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2 chapters in one day. spoiled brats.



An orange glow reflected back in the eyes of dozens of wolves stood ahead of us, but only a few mattered. As Amira's overwhelming threat washed over them, each of the pack prepared for an attack that never came, and at the centre of it all was a red gaze filled with malice.

This wasn't an ordinary battle. Lying in bed with my one, we'd discussed a hundred scenarios when we came face to face with the pack; between destroying them and trying to reason with them, we found there was a middle ground that wasn't impossible to reach, only a lot more work than the rest. Ripping every one of their hearts out would be simpler than the idea Amira whispered as though it were taboo. An idea she'd floated around the last time we stood on opposite sides of this clearing.

"Amy, no..." Anna's soft voice called as she took in the darkening of my one's eyes. From a bright orange to blood red, her challenge for Blake's throne was solidified. The goddess had approved of the fight.

Blake blew heavily through his nose. "You can't be serious, Amira."

"I'm deadly serious, Blake. If you don't want this to happen, you'll have to be the one to back down."

He took a step forward and Anna grasped his arm trying to pull him back. I noticed her belly was finally inflated slightly, sticking out from her tight clothing, and a part of me worried when Blake shoved her away from him a little too hard. Kian caught her before she could fall.

"This is incredibly stupid," Blake growled, bearing his teeth as if it would change Amira's mind.

She shrugged a shoulder. "If it is a mistake, then let it be a mistake I learn from. I'm not going to stop until you fall to your knees or the entire pack bows their head to me."

"Colby, is this a good idea?" asked Tara quietly. My clan were stoically still, a background rather than the main event. After all, the challenge to become alpha was one-on-one with no exceptions.

"It's the plan," I replied to Tara. I rolled my head around my shoulders. "Blake can choose to spare her if he wins, and if that happens, they all die. But if she wins..."

"Screw that," Sam snarled, "what if she loses and he doesn't spare her?"

I turned to my friend to meet his piercing gaze. "Look at Anna's face, Sam. She won't let Blake kill Ames, their memories are too strong, even if their relationship has deteriorated."

"And if Amira wins?" Mike continued.

The corner of my lips twisted up. "She gets the pack."

"Will Blake survive?"

"I don't know," I admitted, "because I didn't ask. It's up to Amira if she wants to keep him alive."

While my clan hurled questions at me one by one, Amira had walked into the centre of the clearing and Blake met her challenge. Ignorant to the concerns of his pack and loved ones, his ego had finally slipped passed the pathetic actions he'd displayed so far, and he was prepared to fight her once and for all.

A long time ago, an alpha duel meant to the death, but these days the goddess had become more lenient and allowed the two parties to decide how it would end. However, that wouldn't be determined until there was a victor.

"Are you sure you're strong enough to face me?" asked Blake, arrogance seeping out of him like a disease. I felt my hands twitching to punch out his lights and see who was really stronger here.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now