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would like to say a quick thank you for the sudden interest in this book, its views have risen like crazy over the past few weeks

my bad for taking so long to get another chapter out, I was just struggling to find the best way to keep going on this story whilst writing two others that are hopefully coming as soon as this one is over 😉

thanks again :)
- Kiwi 🥝


I was unbelievably on-edge to have my One and rival in the same space. Glancing between Amira's toughened features and Aiden's smug little smirk, my anxiety was rising, thoughts of what might happen now that we were massively outnumbered filling my mind.

Paula's intimidating presence lingered from a distance, her eyes set directly on me knowing I was the closest thing to an equal opponent. I chose to keep focused elsewhere, never giving her the satisfaction of respect in return. Although I had to admit I admired her strength when comparing it to her physical appearance—and the potential that had, I just couldn't give her the same acknowledgement of that equilibrium between us.

One flick of her eyes, though, and I was glancing at her again to see they'd landed on Amira. As if my body already wasn't tense enough, I felt my fists clenching at my sides. She didn't look away from my One even a little bit. She'd locked on and Amira wasn't going to back down any time soon, even if she had initially taken a step closer to us; she was aggressive right now, riled up.

"Look at them squirm," Aiden whispered amusedly, squeezing Paula's shoulder like a proud father. He found my gaze at him entertaining, just like he found everything his enemies did entertaining. Now that I'd finally met Dickwad, I saw the similarities between them, the way they both enjoyed toying with those they saw as beneath them.

Unfortunately, the only person who wasn't squirming under their gazes was Amira herself, staring back at the two of them with vigour in her eyes. I knew I'd have to tame her a little if we were to survive this encounter; Aiden wasn't going to let it slide if we slipped up.

"You don't have to be here, Aiden, this is a... civil discussion," Blake muttered, edging forward just a step. He was on edge just as much as our side, but he spoke confidently — more confidently than I expected of him, certainly.

Aiden chuckled. "I know. When I heard you were having a reunion, I simply couldn't help myself."

Anna frowned. "How would you know that?"

"He has friends," Dickwad replied, smug as he squared his shoulders. Of course that idiot was responsible for calling in the cavalry, it shouldn't have been a surprise at all. He'd been antagonising Amira since the moment he saw her here.

I wasn't usually one to back down from a fight, but there was a reason I was in charge and leading my friends into certain death wasn't one of them. So I shifted just enough that I blocked Amira from advancing on the enemy, and called out in a firm voice. "You had your chance to right your wrongs, Blake. Next time, it'll be war. We're leaving."

"Scared?" Dickwad cooed, smirking as he bumped the shoulder of the nearest werewolf. "I didn't know vampires got scared of other vampires, thought it was just their own monstrous reflections that spooked 'em."

"I can't wait to see you in hell, Dickwad," Amira growled before willingly taking a large step back. I moved with her, anxious to leave any opening for the other side to pounce into. If we were separated and Cassie couldn't get to her in time, she'd be on her own against one cunning and one incredibly strong vampire, and I didn't want to think about the outcomes of that.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now