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I didn't want to edit, I just wanted to get this out. Yw.


I slapped Colby's hand away in an attempt to regain some dignity, and rolled my eyes at Mike's remark. Carefully bending down to scoop up Neoma, I muttered, "You lot are weird. Aren't you even curious about what Mama Luna told us?"

"If it was serious, you wouldn't have spent days baby-making," Corey replied simply with a shrug of his shoulders. "Unless you're just that irresponsible?"

"Not quite," I grumbled, though we had procrastinated going to see her by doing the very thing we'd done for the rest of our vacation in between personal talks. With a soft ball of fur rubbing herself against me, I said, "The only- one of the reasons we stayed on the island is because we have a set date and time. We don't need to rush, as it's the only chance we get to find out who this pack are before we have to face them in battle."

"So... she didn't really tell you anything?" Mike asked, scoffing. "Typical."

"Divine mouthpieces are always vague," Jake grumbled in agreement.

I sighed. "You clearly do not understand how the dynamic between the mortals and the immortals work, both of you. If they intervene too much, they change the passage of time. Who knows what would be screwed up? For that reason, everything Mama Luna told us was just vague enough that it could be interpreted many ways."

"Where do we have to go?" Sam questioned, the only person in the group to look genuinely interested despite the threat the pack would pose to us. Maybe they still didn't see how strong werewolves could be, especially united. If things didn't go well, they'd quickly find out.

"Here." I passed him the note and he briefly read Mama Luna's immaculate writing, before his brows rose and he almost started to laugh. I couldn't be certain what was up at first, until he passed the paper back to me.

"That's wild."

Katrina frowned, her voice soft. "What is?"

"It's somewhere I've had my eye on for some time. I was going to suggest we go there soon to scout it out... and since I just got some information about it back, I would've suggested we go tomorrow. Just like that paper says."

"She's the mouthpiece of a goddess," I reminded him — all of them — with an annoyed tone to my voice. "This path won't steer too far from what would have happened anyway, which is why Mama Luna knows what she can and cannot reveal to us."

"That is crazy," Mike admitted, "but I still find it hard to believe this will lead to anything. What's to say this pack's decisions will definitely lead them there?"

"It's worth a shot."



Sam was brilliant at everything behind the scenes. Nothing said that better than the location he'd scouted for us to use as a secondary training area — somewhere we could take our allies rather than having them in our backyard where there was limited space. It was an isolated little spot with no human traces at all, as if it was part of another world entirely.

It would be the perfect spot, if we weren't supposed to "coincidentally" meet the pack working with Aiden here. It was just a few minutes before they were due to show up, and we were gathered together at one end of the field waiting. Amira was right beside me at the front, Sam on my other side a few steps back.

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