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They made it easy on me by talking amongst themselves and allowing me to just listen. I kept my feet up on the coffee table, my arms crossed over my chest in defiance. What was I defying? I didn't know, but I did know that the next few weeks, maybe months, would be hell.

Being the only somewhat human also meant I got hungry and they didn't. Katrina explained she'd gone grocery shopping in the early evening while I was still asleep, so I ended up in the kitchen alone making myself some food. I was an expert cook, which none of these bloodsuckers could appreciate.

When I had finished my dinner during the early hours of morning, I started to head back to the group, but decided I'd rather be in something more comfortable. The shirt was fine, it was just the skirt that hugged my legs too much, so I went upstairs instead holding the pair of shorts I'd worn to sleep last night.

I changed quickly in Katrina's bathroom, tying my hair up into a bun at the top of my head, which looked more like a bird's nest, and headed out into the hall. As I closed Katrina's door, I felt an overwhelming presence settle over me.

"Just leave me alone," I warned, holding a hand up in his direction as I started for the stairs. A tattooed arm stretched out in front of me, blocking my path. I backed up a step. "What?"

"Do you think it's funny to fuck around trying to make me jealous? I already don't like you, do you think you can afford to make me hate you?"

I raised my brows in surprise. "Oh, I'm an asshole for finding a clever way to make you move so I could sit down on the couch you refuse to let anyone else touch? Right. Of course." I rolled my eyes. "Go fuck yourself, Colby."

"I'm the leader of this clan-"

"Don't care."

"- so when I say something, my clan listen. While you're under this roof-"

"Don't go there," I warned, narrowing my gaze on his features. He was seriously telling me to obey him? To listen to his every command just because I was staying here? Maybe if he'd been the one to offer in the first place, I would, but all he'd done was ruin my life purely by existing. "Regardless of this stupid fucking bond between us, you don't goddamn own me or any of my decisions. Bully your clan, not me."

I started down the stairs, but I only got a few steps before there were hands on my waist. I practically screamed as I was thrust back into the hallway and something pressed to my back. My head snapped up to see Colby's face. He was holding me to the wall, his forearms resting either side of my head.

"You threatened me for disrespecting you yesterday," he reminded me slowly, tilting his head so he was closer to my face, "but you're worse than me."

"I'm just matching your energy," I snarled, shoving at his chest. "You gonna back the fuck up or hurry up and try to force me into something I don't wanna do?"

That comment stopped him. He stood up straight in an instant, frowning, and I nodded as I circled round him to get to the stairs. Maybe it was a low blow to suggest he had bad intentions, but I didn't appreciate the way he'd had me against a wall with no way of escaping. There was power, then there was abusive power. Massive difference.

The living room was almost silent when I got back downstairs. I didn't care if Colby intended to come back, I just curled up on my new bed facing away from everyone and forced myself to sleep. I wanted the world to go away.


Colby avoided me and pretty much everyone else in the group for three days. I was only counting them because I was waiting for the day Lyle would call me and tell me my apartment was ready.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now