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This time, I woke up before Colby. Knowing it was the last time I'd be able to tease him — and as pay back for last night — I immediately shuffled up and latched my lips onto his neck. My teeth closed around a piece of his flesh, rolling it before I sucked at it.

Colby jolted awake, but he didn't push me away, his arm wrapping around the back of my head. I decided what the fuck and trailed my tongue up to a spot just beneath his jaw. As I left open-mouth kisses leading to the other side, I slowly slid my leg across his hip and shifted effortlessly up onto his lap. Like magnets, his hands suddenly came down onto my waist on either side, gripping me so tight I though he might crush my ribs.

But I kept assaulting his neck. I left as many imaginary marks on his skin as I could, picturing in my head how it would have looked if he wasn't a vampire.

When I leaned upward to nip just under his jaw, I accidentally brushed against his crotch, and he snarled as he flipped us. My back hit the mattress with a quiet thump, my hands on his chest, though I wasn't pushing him away. His eyes were trailing over my features.

"My heat's over," I whispered, causing his gaze to snap up to mine. Something came over him and he dove down to my neck, his lips instantly closing over the first mark he'd left. He nipped it to make it darker before sucking just below to make another. It was strange doing this when we were both fully awake, fully aware of what we were doing to each other. Yet it was intoxicating.

The way he would tease his fangs along my skin then retract them to nibble and kiss, was only filling my mind with thoughts of if our personalities didn't clash so much. If we could actually get along and go somewhere with the bond.

I was so distracted by his mouth that I didn't realise he had my thigh in his grasp until he hiked my leg up around his waist. His fingertips danced down my flesh, following the curve of my hip and pushing my shirt up slightly to continue up my waist. I sucked in a breath when he drifted a little too close to the sports bra beneath my shirt. All the while, I was having sparks travel down my body from all the work he was doing on my neck.

Then he found it. The one spot that had the ability to drive me mad. It had taken him a while, but the second his lips touched it, I tensed up and a hand sunk into the hair at the back of his head. I clenched his strands between my fingers, accidentally tugging at them, and he pulled the skin of that one spot between his lips, rolling it around. His teeth occasionally brushed it, eliciting a soft noise in the back of my throat I had little power to stop.

I strangled the next sound, though, desperate to hide from the others, who could very possibly be listening, how much I was enjoying this.

He smirked against me before harshly biting at my skin. I jolted, my leg coming up to join the other around his waist and squeeze as hard as I could. He dropped lower so he was leaning on one forearm and pressed his hips against mine. Something hard was rubbing my crotch, teasing me with what we could be doing if we both just let go.

For that moment, I wanted to. I really did. But this was Colby. Mate or not, I didn't like Colby or want him acting like this with me.

When he was done with my sweet spot, I pushed at his shoulders, releasing him from my legs' grip. He raised onto one hand but didn't get up fully as he stared down at me with purpleish eyes.

Slowly, he lowered just his head until our noses bumped and he whispered, "Last time." It was a reminder that I wouldn't be in his bed again, and as I thought about that, his thumb was pulling down my bottom lip. His head tilted to one side, edging so much closer.

If this was the last time, we might as well make the most of it-

"Are you guys done makeout-fighting or whatever it is you do in there this time of evening?"

Colby shot upright as we both looked over to his door. Mike had been the one to speak, and with no response, he decided to reach for the handle.

"What?" Colby snarled as he zipped across the room to block the doorway. I took this time to slide off of the bed and rush to his bathroom, flicking on the light as I leaned one hand against the counter. The bastard had littered my neck with marks. There was hardly a single bit of skin my natural colour.

Mike sounded causal, relaxed, as if he wasn't being a bit of a dick — not to mention a cockblock. "We need to find those runaways tonight, remember? Sam's already got a few of their locations, it'll just be a matter of going there and taking them out."

"Not everyone is needed," Colby replied sharply.

"Is that your way of saying you'd rather stay here and make out with Amira?"

"We weren't making out!" I yelled from the bathroom, though the state of my neck would argue with me.

"Sure, I don't really care. I just need to know who's going."

I stepped out into Colby's room, able to see him shrug helpfully. Mike sighed and muttered something about women ruining everything, then zipped away. I headed for the door that was conveniently open, but Colby slammed it shut in my face.

"The fuck?" I snapped. "I thought you couldn't wait to get rid of me?"

"That's right."

"Then, wh- Ah!" I practically screamed as he moved toward me at full speed, too fast to comprehend, let alone stop. I was dropped back onto the bed and he paused to look at me as if asking for permission. When I barely nodded, unsure, he dove down to the lowest point of my neckline, which sat right in the centre of my cleavage.

Dragging his tongue up my neck until he reached my jaw, he pulled the bottom of my shirt up to the band around my sports bra, then dipped down to kiss at my stomach. These were love bite kisses, they were open-mouthed, wet kisses that were very quickly driving me mad. Especially since he had a habit of looking up at me. With his lips just above my naval, we made eye contact, and I could stop my natural browns from rolling into the back of my head as he licked all the way up to my shirt.

This all felt very unfair. I'd had barely a few minutes to torture him, yet I'd been here for who-knows-how-long and he still didn't seem bored with it all. Why did I care that he was giving me more attention than I gave him? I didn't know. I just didn't like it.

"Are you done?" I breathed, every ounce of the effect he had on me in my voice.

He shrugged one shoulder, as he rubbed his thumb into my stomach near my side, leaving tingles in his wake.

"You're done," I decided and launched up. It was payback time. He wasn't going to like this, but it was the only way I could leave a mark on him, too, which was only fair.

With his back to the bed and me hovering over him, I opened my mouth as wide as it would go, let my canines drop down, and bit into just the surface of his skin. It was only enough to puncture the top layer without actually marking him, and would be visible for maybe a day before he healed.

For a moment, as I basked in the shocked, angry look on his face, I wondered whether I would be able to mark him as a regular wolf did. Marks were a werewolf thing, a mutual way to tie the bond together for good, but between a werewolf and a vampire? I didn't know how the hell that would work.

"Revenge is sweet," I teased, sliding away. He reached out for me but I was already on my feet rushing to the door. It slammed behind me, and I hurried to Katrina's room to shower and change.

The hickeys were only darker by the time I made it downstairs. I knew what was coming so I walked in and just motioned for them to go for it. And they did. It lasted probably about five minutes, extended by Colby's arrival, which elicited more comments about his own neck. Then it was all over with and we could move on with our lives.

Not before I'd muttered about how childish they all were.


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