💫 72 💫

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My knees hit the edge of the bed and I fell down onto it. Slowly, a curvy figure with glowing red eyes approached, the colour only fading once her hands had touched my shoulders. She ran her palms up my neck until she had my cheeks in her grasp, and she leaned down to connect her lips to mine.

I reached for her only to get batted away. Barely able to pry away from her kiss, I tried again to feel those curves. But again I was denied.

Annoyed, I closed my teeth around her bottom lip and she helped, jerking backward. Her eyes settled on my face, the irritation clear as day. Although I could feel how amused she was, I chose to ignore it to instead focus on the way she smiled down at me.

"No touching," she whispered.

My voice was firmer than I expected. "Why?"

"Because I say so." She grasped either side of my button-up shirt and tugged it open, somehow saving all of the buttons. The fabric was abandoned swiftly before her fingers were at my belt. I looked at her longingly, almost begging with my eyes to return the favour and uncover that impressive body for the hundredth time since I first noticed it.

But she was set on her plan, whatever that was. I let her whip my belt across the room before raising my hips so she could pull down my pants and discard them, too. Thankfully, she took off her hoodie and joggers leaving her in only her under garments, yet still my hand kept getting slapped.

I was getting genuinely annoyed now, our bond calling for me to worship her the way she deserved.

Instead, she gestured with her fingers so that I would shift backward, then poked my shoulder and lay me down. Her legs settled on either side of my hips, only two thin layers of fabric separating us, and she leaned forward just enough to pin down my wrists above my head. I didn't know where any of this had come from, nor did I understand why the restraining sensation felt exciting.

"Colby," she snapped and I realised I was staring at our contact. I met her intense gaze. "If I let go, you have to promise not to touch me."

"I can't promise that."

She narrowed her eyes. "Yes, you can."

I leaned up as much as I could, accidentally sliding her lower half against mine, and spoke in a low, daring voice. "If you don't want me to touch you, you're going to have to do something to stop me." I resisted her hold briefly to prove my point.

She scoffed. "Do not tempt me."

"That's exactly what I'm doing," I purred back, tilting my head to one side and running my tongue from her collarbone to jaw. She murmured something to herself before slamming me back down onto my back and reaching to the side. She barely had to stick her hand beneath the bed to reveal two ties.

I couldn't help my small chuckle.

"And how the fuck did you know those were there?"

She grinned. "I hate them, so I was hoping if I hid them you'd forget they exist and never wear them."

"I don't wear ties anyway."

"Just in case." She closed her free hand around my mouth. "Now shut up."

I obliged, watching her tie each of my wrists to the headboard. It didn't slip past me how quickly she did it. Subtly testing the strength of one of them while she was distracted with the other, I knew I could easily break from them, but the constant awareness that she'd be pissed off if I did kept me compliant. I wanted to see where this was going.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now