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It was annoyingly easy to sleep on Colby's chest now. After four days of doing so, I was getting used to the chill his skin gave me, and a part of me even liked it. I knew it was only the bond forcing me to like being close to my mate, but I couldn't deny the tingles down my spine when I felt his arm wrap around me.

Our bickering hadn't stopped. One of us always did something to piss the other off, resulting in a constant back and forth until we were both bored or went to sleep. Kevin, Mike and Jake wouldn't let it go that it was hilarious, Corey sometimes joining them in teasing us. Katrina and Cassie were the only two people who'd shut up about the whole thing recently, not that Cassie ever really cared for any of it. She minded her own business and that was why I liked her the most.

As I blinked awake and looked up at Colby's sleeping face, I realised I'd woken up first for once. Nearly every time, we would wake up together or staggered by only a couple of seconds, but tonight, he was still fast asleep. My eyes shifted around his features, taking their time to take in the face that had glared at me more times than I could count by now. He'd threatened to make me sleep alone multiples times, but he never went through with it. I knew at least some part of him found it difficult when I was in pain that first day, so he didn't actually want to subject me to the torture that was my heat.

According to previous times, I should only have one or two more days of it, and after that I would be back on the couch. I was a little disappointed. He had a comfortable bed.

With his eyes closed, his lashes created an impenetrable barrier to the ocean blues, and his brows were slightly furrowed like he was troubled in his sleep. I noticed his cheeks seemed to puff out slightly as if his baby fat grew back during the day, his lips always pouting. Looking at them, I felt an insatiable urge to lean up and kiss him — purely the bond and nothing to do with my actual feelings.

But maybe there was more I could do to make this bond between us even harder for him. He was resisting me in the same way I was resisting him, which meant every moment we spent together, we were both on edge and holding back. It was just a part of our lives now. I glanced around his body for something I could do just to fuck with him.

I decided if I was going to do something, I might as well go to an extreme.

Raising my arm from his stomach, I touched just my fingertips to his chest and followed the hard lines of his torso down and down until I'd slipped under the blanket. His muscles were tensing beneath my touch as I caressed just above the waistline of his sweatpants, and I flattened my palm on his skin, running my hand all the way back up to his neck. I put pressure at his throat, eliciting a noise from deep in his chest. Amusement soared through me instantly, and knowing he would take a moment to wake up and realise what had happened, I tilted my head up to run my tongue over his jugular to his jaw.

His arm almost crushed me as his eyes snapped open, half-lidded with anger. Smirking, I blew a kiss at him and darted out of his bed. He let me go despite being able to stop me if he wanted.

I showered in Katrina's bathroom and stood on the mat soaking wet, wrapping a towel around myself. The shower was still running behind me so I turned to switch it off, but as I reached out, a hand closed around my wrist to stop me. I jumped as another hand took a hold of my hip, spinning me around on the spot. My back hit the shower door, creating a soft bang.

With the water running and the other door open, the others probably wouldn't be able to hear us.

"That wasn't funny," Colby snarled at me, shifting closer so I had nowhere to go. He was still only dressed in sweatpants, his hair falling down over his face.

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