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"Colby!" I yelled after his blurry figure. He'd moved so fast that I hardly had a chance to react to Sam, let alone agree to go down there and face our sudden visitor.

Damning vampire speed to hell, I dragged myself up from the bed and hastily pulled one of Colby's button-up shirts around me, taking the risk of doing up the buttons as I hurried to the door. I jogged down the stairs to find the entire group in the hallway — the most notable of which being my very displeased boyfriend standing with his arms crossed glaring at my ex-boyfriend.

After briefly checking I wasn't flashing everyone, I walked up next to him and glanced down his body. He'd chosen only to pull a pair of low-hanging sweatpants over his hips on his way out of our room, leaving the two of us fairly exposed. But I had little shame over it. The moment my eyes met with Kian's, all of my frustration and embarrassment was replaced by pure rage.

And he knew it, too.


"Nuh-uh," I interrupted, a finger extended toward him. "No, no, no. You think you can just come here and talk to me out of nowhere? After what I just found out about your pack? Hell no, boy. You are sorely mistaken. Get the fuck out of here before I rip your heart out and return it to your brother in a cardboard box."

"Told you," Sam murmured a few feet from me, glancing at Kevin. In response, he straightened up from his relaxed position against the wall and stared Kian down from the side. He had eyes on him from everywhere, with no way to escape.

His frown was pitiful. "Please, I've come here alone. Completely alone. You know that; you'd be able to smell if I had anyone else with me." He took a step forward, to which Kevin also moved closer to him and Mike shifted into a defensive stance. "I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm here to... try to right a wrong. Will you at least hear me out?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. Make an appointment and come back another day. Preferably after-"

"Aiden's gonna kill Anna and the baby."

My open mouth slammed shut as Kian pleaded with his eyes for me to heed his words. I was immediately skeptical, but the way he was throwing all of his pride out of the window was unusual for him; completely unexpected. It was messing with my common sense, making me curious.

"I'm not here because I think we're doing anything wrong, I'm here because I've had my suspicions about Aiden for a while and after finding out he's your adversary, I finally had the courage to do some digging. I... I know all the shit he does, how he treats people and uses them.

"So I decided to visit his base and listen in to a meeting he was having with that Paula chick. Their plan has almost come to fruition."

I pressed my lips together for a moment. "You could just be bullshitting."

"That baby is either my niece or nephew, Amira. That's my blood in there, too, and I'm not losing them — or Anna — because Blake is too dumb to see the truth."

The temptation to make this decision myself was strong, the words on the tip of my tongue. I wanted to hear him out, I really did, but this wasn't my house even if I liked to joke about bossing Colby around. It was his house, his friends and his safety at risk if I chose to trust this man again. We'd made so much progress lately, I couldn't throw it all away.

"Keep an eye on him," I told Kevin and Mike, then looked expectantly at Colby. He finally tore his gaze from Kian for the first time and briefly nodded, zipping the both of us out the back door. A chill bit at my skin immediately, making me regret not changing before I came downstairs.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now