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Cassie and I walked into a busy living room of our friends to find all of them looking at us waiting for some sort of crazy story. Thankfully, it didn't appear Ronnie cared much about our past — at the very least, he didn't bring it up at all and gave us as much information as he knew. That was very little, but I didn't expect much.

Despite knowing Colby was comfortable with me being around my ex fling, I made a point to walk over to him without saying anything to the others and leaning down for a kiss. His head tilted up as if he knew what I wanted, and when our lips connected, we lingered for a moment longer than I expected.

Of course, I then sat down and was faced with the task of explaining what happened.

"Did it go well?" Katrina asked lightly, her eyes as soft as ever as she waited for a response.

"Very well, actually," Cassie replied. "I mean, from a drama standpoint. He seemed more annoyed that I was there than her."

Mike scoffed. "It's a pack, of course they're going to be agitated by a vampire's presence. They can't seem to see that we are completely docile."

"Getting information didn't go well," I interrupted to distract them from talking about the differences between wolves and vamps. If they gained too much malice against my kind, they might be more brutal against them, and I didn't want to see even opposing wolves getting hurt because of it.

"What did you find out?" Sam questioned.

"Ronnie knew that the pack have been considered pathetic for quite a while and there are rumours about them circulating, but he didn't know the alpha's name or who the pack actually are." I leaned back stressfully. "We have a lead that might work, though."

Mike's brow raised. "Which is?"

"Mama Luna."

"I'm sorry?" Jake replied instantly with a deep frown on his face. It was almost comical, but I knew I was about to have to explain Mama Luna's entire history and purpose to convince them — more specifically, Colby — to let me visit her.

I sighed in advance. "Mama Luna. She's a legendary werewolf, been around for centuries. Her connection to the Goddess is unmatched, and she uses it to help others."

"But every werewolf can... communicate with the Goddess," Reggie pointed out quietly.

"She will only give us limited information that specifically pertains to our own lives and paths. If we want to know about people who have nothing to do with us, at least at this point in time, we have to go through her first."

"Please explain what the fuck you mean," Kevin complained.

"Mama Luna knows pretty much everything there is to know. The Goddess keeps her updated on everything that happens in the werewolf world, or about anything that threatens us. She uses the information to help those who come to her with problems.

"The catch is that if the Goddess does not agree we should know, Mama Luna will not tell us. And that means it has to tie into our lives somehow, further in time. It's... cosmic stuff. Incomprehensible by anyone but the Goddess herself."

"Okay, that mostly makes sense," Sam agreed, nodding. "This pack are indirectly impacting us and will play a role in the battle we have with Aiden if it comes to that. So, she should tell you what you want to know about them, right?"

I gave him an appreciative look. "Theoretically."

Colby had stayed silent this whole time again, digesting all of the information without any kind of input. I didn't think he would say anything at all, but his face was twisting and I couldn't figure out why. The way he was looking at me was almost suspicious; skeptical. Did he not believe Mama Luna existed? Or did he already figure out the other catch?

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now