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Headaches weren't fun. Migraines weren't fun. Feeling nauseous wasn't fun. All of that combined into one hangover? Not. Fun.

My fingers were already rubbing my temples as I forced my eyes open wondering where I might have ended up. The last thing I remembered was dancing like an idiot with Anna and panicking every time my boobs almost fell out of my dress, before both of us died laughing about it. Then it was just blackness until this very moment. I tried to blink away the headache building, but it just seemed to be getting worse.

Between breathing in for the first time and finally adjusting to the room, I realised with utter shock that I was lying in Colby's bed. I shot upright, making myself lightheaded, and looked at the space either side of me. I was alone.

Sighing out in relief, I dragged myself out of bed into the bathroom, refusing to put the light on and reaching out for the shower. I knew how to use it well enough by now that I didn't need to turn the light on.

After a warm, comforting shower that almost sent me back to sleep, I changed into my large shirt and shorts, and went straight back to bed. I didn't care where Colby was, I was tired and all I cared about was getting more rest. I didn't look at my phone, didn't attempt to hear what else might be going on in the house, didn't even think, just got back in bed and closed my eyes, and surprisingly I fell right asleep again.


The second time I woke up that night, it was to the sound of my phone ringing. I almost dashed it across the room, but controlled myself enough to answer and put it to my ear without checking who it was.


"Hey, Amira," Anna sang down the speaker, sending a sharp pain to my brain. I just grunted in response. "I figured you'd still be hungover. I just wanted to check on you... Is everything okay?"


"Okay," she giggled. "Make sure you take something for that hangover. Oh, and don't forget about me, yeah? I wanna see you again. Text me!"

Before I could respond, I heard the 'hang up' sound and just dropped my phone onto the pillow beside me. Rolling over to face the opposite direction, I cuddled into the sheets intending to go right back to sleep, when my nose twitched. Something was different about the room now. Whilst before I could smell Colby's scent absolutely everywhere, it was now stronger, more prominent... which meant...

Barely raising my head, I caught sight of him lying shirtless on his couch, wet hair brushed back from his face as he scrolled casually on his phone. He was only in a pair of sweats, which had drips of water scattered over them. He looked completely normal, as if nothing had happened between us.

"Go away," I grumbled, dropping my head back onto the pillow. I pulled the other over my ear, causing my phone to clatter to the floor. I didn't care.

"You're in my room," he muttered back, "not to mention my bed, so no."

I groaned as loudly as I could, like a child who was being dragged out of bed to go to school. Looking back over at him, I was surprised to find I didn't feel as bad as I did earlier, though I most definitely didn't want to get out of bed tonight.

He didn't meet my gaze, drawing a growl from my chest. His eyes snapped to mine for only a second, then he sighed and dropped his phone to the side on a little table. He sat up, fixing the strands of his hair that tried to fall over his face.

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