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I wanted to groan when I woke up to a gentle nip at the skin below my ear. My head automatically tipped back, opening up my throat for literally whoever was there bothering me. Lips latched onto my sweet spot and my mind completely lost track of anything else. I was just leaning back into a cold figure, letting him have his way with that one godforsaken spot on my neck.

As he drifted down, I started to come to my senses again, and realised his hand was on my stomach, slowly running up the front of my body until it stopped just beneath my chest. He kissed my collar bone as his hand practically flew back to my stomach, round over my hips, then onto my thigh beneath the blanket. The tips of his fingers were brushing at my inner thigh, teasing at what was just above.

My heart couldn't have pounded any faster as I forced my eyes open to meet his gaze. He squeezed my flesh and leaned down, aggressively biting my sweet spot with his human teeth. It caused a shot of electricity down my being, my legs clenching together.

He was smirking now.

"Colby! Amira!" Katrina was banging at the door. "I know you guys are awake. Hurry up and get ready, we're going to the club, remember!"

I actually wanted to tell her to fuck off and leave us be. Colby had put me in so much of a trance that I'd forgotten all about how much I disliked him. So I was the first to move. Ignoring the slight ache of my neck where he'd assaulted me for the last few minutes, and the tingles down my body where he'd touched, I slid out of his bed without a word and left his room for Katrina's.

As much as I didn't want to, I decided on going somewhat simple for the club. After questioning Katrina when I reluctantly entered the living room, she confirmed that it was an actual club, so they were all dressing up a little bit. I wasn't going to be the exception.

In a dress that was so tight I couldn't breathe, I turned to the side staring into the mirror. It hugged at my waist, hips and thighs, with a little cutout in the centre of my chest, cold shoulders and long sleeves. I was admiring it more than myself, though I was aware that being a werewolf had blessed me with a body most women would call 'perfect'. I had my flaws just like everyone else.

"You ready, Amira?" Kevin called excitedly from the landing. I turned just my head to the door, considering whether I was ready to feel cramped in a room with a bunch of people, then sighed.

"Yeah, ready!" I grabbed a little backpack to hang on my shoulder and headed out. Downstairs, I wasn't surprised to find that the guys were mostly wearing their normal clothes, while the girls looked a lot more like I did, with a nice dress or — in Cassie's case — a badass jumpsuit on.

"I'll drive the girls," Katrina announced, more for my benefit than anyone else's.

Sam turned to the stoic-faced, unnecessarily annoyed leader of the group. "You coming with me this time, brother?"

"I'm driving," Colby countered, and looked over at Kevin and Mike. "You're both with us."

"What?" Kevin complained. "I wanna be with Corey and Dev like normal."

Colby didn't answer, just stared at him until he groaned in defeat. I assumed everyone else had their usual cars, so we headed out of the house into the night.


"The club belongs to us," Tara explained as we climbed out of Katrina's car onto a packed parking lot. I decided to ignore the fact that a majority of those inside would probably be drunk and unable to drive back home.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now