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Everything ached and all I wanted to do was sleep, but it was only early evening so everyone else would be awake all night... and I didn't want this moment with Colby to end.

Still lying on his chest, I'd never been so content. And I knew he felt the same because our emotions were pouring into one another, fuelling and relaxing us both with the comforting thought that we'd reached the pinnacle of our relationship so far. I had to admit, I was a little annoyed I hadn't let him feed on me before. The euphoria from a bite was nothing like I ever imagined, the pain only brief. Now I understood why some humans willingly became feeds, but Colby was the only vampire I'd ever allow do anything like this.

As I felt myself slipping and desperately grasped onto consciousness, I heard a muted voice downstairs that I had to make an effort to make out properly.

"It's time to get up, you lazy shits. We were attacked today, we need to retaliate."

"Fuck off, Mike," Colby muttered back, turning toward me so his head was above mine on the pillow. His arms were restricting my movement by now, holding me in place.

"We're in the middle of a war!" Katrina called up to us. I was surprised she was taking part in ruining Colby and I's time alone, since usually she was watching from afar with a smile or encouraging us on. But it quickly made sense when she added, "Sam's the one who got attacked."

Colby and I looked at each other at the same time. I was so tired that the last thing I want to do was get up, however the others were right. Not only had we been attacked, but we'd been attacked by a werewolf during the day; apparently a typical tactic used by Aiden. There was no doubt this was his doing, which made me worried as to why he chose to do this now. Did he know about Kian and I meeting up, and was exacting his own version of revenge? Or was this just another unpredictable act?

Colby was the first to move after we exchanged a short nod. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and disappeared from the room in a blur, while I dragged myself upright to stretch. After all, I was mostly human and parts of me ached.

I listened to downstairs, occasionally offering my own advice as I changed and tied my hair up. We were mostly just talking about what to do with the werewolf locked up in one of the bathrooms that I'd completely forgotten about. I wanted to get a whiff of them first to see whether they were a part of Blake's pack or not, and I would be the best bet for getting them to talk anyways. Appealing to their attention-craving nature almost always worked.

By the time I got downstairs, they'd dragged the intruder — a medium-sized guy ever so slightly familiar to me — into the living room, leaving him tied up and panting from a gash across his chest. A quick glance at Tara spinning a curved blade around her fingers answered the question on my mind.

The wolf's eyes found mine swiftly, darting around my face as he recognised me in return, then they flitted down to my neck and he began to scrunch his nose. My hand made contact with the back of his head before he could. "Now isn't the time to offend me."

He growled back. "I'd argue there's nothing there to offend."

I snatched his jaw in one hand, my claws extended poking into his cheeks, as I raised my brows. "Is that all it takes to make someone nothing in your eyes? A simple bite?" I glanced at Cassie. "Didn't you say you were hungry?"

He tore himself from my hold, slashing himself with one of my claws. I allowed him to pathetically fall to the side, and turned toward the others over my shoulder.

"His family has always been strong-willed, so it's unlikely he'll talk. However, we don't need him to." I met Colby's eyes. "The stuff I tried to give you."

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now