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more filth in this chapter 👀 - is the wait over?


What Mike had been trying to say before I cut him off because of the cat, was that he'd come up with a way to confront Aiden again — or rather, kick off the war that was going to begin between the clans anyway.

Aiden and Paula were the highest ranks in the group, like Sam and Colby. They were unusually close and worked together to cause destruction to anyone they came across, which meant the rest of the clan really were just canon fodder. That meant we had two options for how to weaken the clan as a whole: convince the lower members that it wasn't worth fighting for the two of them, and the typical route of simply taking them out. Either way, they would just be replaced, but if we could spread the word in the background that Aiden didn't care about his clan, he'd have to make entirely new vampires to get anyone to actually join him.

Similarly, like Colby, he had a range of different properties we could tamper with, boycotting or getting rid of them completely. That would lower the appeal of the clan even more, giving him less of a bargaining chip when he tried to recruit anyone.

So, Sam did all the research he needed while Colby constantly sent large sections of the clan out to knock down Aiden's forces bit by bit. It started with sabotaging an arcade Aiden owned so it had to close down for a few weeks for repairs, then convincing the vampires who worked there that he wasn't going to help them in order to draw them away. It was surprisingly successful, from what I heard. Kevin was very persuasive as it was, let alone when he got the chance to really use his talents with a scary-looking Corey and intimidating Mike by his side. And a cute Devyn to balance the scale.

I'd started sleeping alone for a short time in the evening. Colby was determined to get rid of Aiden as a threat, so I would often wake up to find he was already gone bossing around his friends downstairs. It didn't matter so much at first, until once again I lost track of the days.

Excruciating pain rattled my entire body, no goddess in sight this time as all I could see was red. I could feel my vocal cords working, a deafening scream no doubt escaping my lips.

It all ended abruptly, and I woke up to hands on my waist. I blinked, meeting a pair of blue eyes as Colby rested on one knee on the bed beside me, leaning over my form. Out of pure gratitude, relief and outright need for him in that moment, I grasped his shirt and dragged him to me. Our lips collided as I raised up onto my knees, forcing him to sit down so I could plop right onto his lap. My hands ran down his front then up again, memorising the planes of his chest, something I had been doing a lot this past month since we started fooling around.

Colby had grunted when I'd forced him below me, but now he was breathing heavier as he let his hands wander around my body, up and down my sides, squeezing my ass, across my thighs, into my hair. He couldn't seem to settle anywhere.

I didn't know what he must have been doing before he heard me screaming, but I honestly didn't care. I just needed him and couldn't figure out why. Every inch of my body was yearning for his touch in a way I hadn't experienced before.

With delight, I realised he was wearing a dark purple button-up shirt with patches in random places — easy to take off. My fingers worked the little buttons too fast for him to really notice what was happening until I was prying it off of his shoulders. He let me, tossing it aside, and slid his hands up my sides in return. I raised my arms as we pulled back for just a second to throw my own t-shirt across the room carelessly, before crashing my lips to his once more. His tongue was in my mouth by now, removing all other thoughts completely from my mind.

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