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"Okay, don't be mad," I said before I even turned around. "I've got a ton of new information and I was out during the day." I threw everything Kian had given me to Colby, nervously taking in the angry expression on his face.

He didn't even glance at it.

"I didn't go out for fun," I promised.

His silent seething stare was becoming uncomfortable to be under fast, but it was also igniting my own irritation. The last thing we needed right now was to fight, yet he looked prepared to rip my head off.

I opened my mouth to defend myself again. This time, he cut me off. "I'm stressed enough as it is, I don't need you running off alone without telling anyone."

"You were asleep," I defended, "and I specifically chose to get my ass up during the day so vampires wouldn't be a threat to me. I'd be able to smell a werewolf a mile away."

"No one knew where you were, Amira. Especially with our house getting attacked, I don't appreciate waking up and having no fucking clue where you are. A text would've been enough." He zipped right up to me, squaring off. "I shit myself thinking you might have been goddamn taken."

I bit the inside of my cheek as I crossed my arms. "Alright, you have a point about that, but you'd know if something happened to me. You'd feel it, and if I wasn't confident I'd be safe, I wouldn't have left."

"Confidence doesn't mean anything during a war."

"If you're trying to make me feel bad, it's not gonna work. Take two seconds to have a look at all the information I have because I went out."



"Benefitting from doing something wrong doesn't make it right," he snarled now. "I wouldn't care if you'd managed to kill Paula while you were gone; I care that you put yourself stupidly into a dangerous situation without any consideration for me or the rest of us."

My eyes narrowed. "I can handle myself just fine."

"That isn't my point and you know it."

We fell into silence as we stared at each other, both frustrated and stressed about everything going on. A part of me couldn't believe he was taking this so seriously, as I didn't think I'd done anything wrong and thought it all through, but I did see his side of things. He'd be a lot easier on me if I'd at least left some kind of note that I wasn't at the house out of my own volition. Maybe he wouldn't be mad at all.

I wondered how the rest of the house took my sudden disappearance; did it bother them at all? Were they worried that I was gone? Cassie seemed perfectly understanding of the fact I was safe, so did she know something the rest didn't? Maybe she'd heard me leave or Dima could have contacted someone here after I visited.

Whatever it was, that information never got back to Colby. He woke up to my absence with no explanation, and had to fight for his best friend before spiralling into worry.

The fury in his face wasn't dying down but I didn't get a chance to defend, fight or apologise before a hard, desperate kiss took over my lips. Startled, I could do nothing more than move in sync, as his one hand grabbed my ass and the other fisted my hair. A gentle tug led me to whimper, and he responded by squeezing me tighter.

I was backed to the bed, tripped so I had no choice but to fall back onto it. Rather than following me, he pulled off his shirt and tugged out his belt, glaring at me the whole time. I couldn't deny how fast my heart was beating with anticipation. Neither of us had calmed down yet, both of us still frustrated with the other.

Claws // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now