Bdubs x etho (fluff)

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Etho made his way down to a little stream of water,near the water were some bushes and trees and he thought nothing out of the ordinary. Etho took a slight look to the water,then he heard the sound of something falling,he pulled his shield and axe out expecting it to be a creeper but instead it was bdubs laying on the grass now unconscious. Etho let out a loud sigh and then said to the smaller man in front of him "you gotta let me know before hand buddy" Etho said slightly annoyed,he noticed that bdubs wasn't breathing well so in a panic he ran into the stream to the other side,grabbed bdubs and ran back to his home. Once Etho was in his house he sat bdubs down and examined him for anything that was bruised,broken,or hurting. Bdubs only had some bruises and a couple of scratches on him,"bdubs,don't worry me like that ever again!" Etho said shacking bdubs shoulder to shoulder,wasn't waking up. Etho lifted bdub's hair back off his face to know that he was only sleeping. Etho smiled under his mask,than proceeded to pull it down and kiss bdubs on his forehead,ethi put his mask back on and sat there to watching bdubs peacefully sleeping. Then etho thought 'weird It's at least 11 pm,bdubs sleeps at 9 pm? Or was it 8- oh whatever! Focus etho!' He thought. His friend was near death and he was thinking about what time bdubs sleeps at, he carefully picked bdubs up freezing whenever he moved and placed bdubs in his bed to sleep, etho tried making bdubs uncross his arms around his neck only to be pulled in into bed with him, etho blushed under his mask and slowly accepted his fate. Etho tried sleeping but all he could think about was his friend bdubs who is face to face in front of him, etho was as bright as a tomato at this point and ended up sleeping at 1-2 am.
Time skip 6 am :D
Bdubs woke up in was surprise to see him cuddling etho in etho's bed. Bdubs moved around only to have searing pain in his lower body,he pushed etho off oh him and lifted his mossy cape up to see what happened to his back, "what are you doing?" Etho asked calmly but tried "I'm trying to see what happened to my lower back-" bdubs that stopped abruptly to yell at etho "WHAT WERE YOU DOING CUDDLING ME IN YOUR BED?" bdubs screamed at him making the both of them to blush." You're the one that was cuddling with me!" Etho said covering his face up. Both etho and bdubs had a screaming fest at each and then accept that they were both cuddling. Etho took a look at bdubs lower back to find a pretty bad cut there,he patched it up and they both sat in silence until etho fell back to sleep,along side bdubs who was curled up next to etho. At 10 am they never talked about this event that happened and no one will know about it

Yay first story completed! Now time to go to bed because it is 2 am rn and I'm tired good bye!

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