(Trans fem)Solidarity x tango (lemon)

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Solidarity in this au is a mermaid and tango is a pirate kinda like a mermaids tale in crk

Tango was standing with his spy glass looking out on rocks that stood above waters when the boat shook a little and made him drop his glass."damn it" tango said as he looked up he saw a fish tail poke up from the water and retreated back in,tango stopped the captain (sausage) put down the acre threw down the net to catch that pretty mermaid.solidarity tried to escape the net like his other fish brethren but he was tangled in the net and pulled up from his home onto a wooden platform "what a beauty" someone said but solidarity didn't look up he just tried to untangle himself from the nets. "You ain't getting anywhere with that net on" tango said grabbing Jimmy's face and pulling it closer to him almost kissing him,solidarity hissed and tried to scratch him but was abruptly stopped by the captain. "Oh no...not you again" jimmy said terrified from the early encounters he had with captain sausage,sausage laughed evilly and then said "your beauty was the most wanted thing every pirate could ever have,even your kids" captain sausage said smirking as tango came up from behind sausage as he continued saying what he was going to do to jimmy he was backstabbed by him through the heart and died. Tango struggled throwing him over board but managed to get rid of his body,jimmy hissed at him with fear in his eyes but tango could understand that jimmy was mistreated by sausage looking at his missing scales and holes in his fins "so your the deep sea silver fish every pirate talks about"tango said slowly getting closer to jimmy with his hand out touching his messed up fins,Jimmy flinch for a moment but didn't hiss at him,it was confusing to him but he saw tango take off his pirate hat to reveal that he had elvish ears jimmy knew elves were one of the main enemies to merpeople but it looked like he was mistreated too,tango had a chunk taken out from his left ear scratches across his neck and cheeks and fear in his eyes "you were...treated bad weren't you?" Jimmy said reaching his hands out to touch tango's face "captain sausage treats others like trash but he's the only trash that ever existed in life"tango said tango picked solidarity up bridal style and and threw him back into the waters.but Jimmy wasn't satisfied yet "you elf boy!come into the waters with me!"he said causing tango to look over the edge of the boat,he was then knocked over into the water from the boat suddenly moving,without a doubt the mermaid caught him and placed him on a rock "you see I'm not like the others.I'm actually trans so that's why I don't travel with the other merpeople"solidarity said covering his chest out of embarrassment after he said that. "My names tango and yours?" He said making jimmy look at him "oh my name's solidarity but I have a nickname and it's jimmy" he said getting up on the rock tango was on. It was quite embarrassing cause tango was staring right at his tits and it just got awkward when their faces met."they talked about a prophecy where a mermaid and a elf would get together but I think it's false"tango said taking his pirate coat off and throwing it into the water revealing his pecs to solidarity,this made him want to fuck more,tango eyed him and saw his tits were perked and he was blushing which caused him to blush and it cause something to stand up also."tango,are you alright?" Solidarity said putting his hand on his chin and bring his face closer to him,tango was erected now and couldn't take it anymore so he just told solidarity that he was hard,solidarity didn't even think once and just got in front of him and undid his pant to get that elf dick tango was hiding from him. Tango leaned back and covered his mouth from the pleasure he was feeling from solidarity's sucking,he could feel the mermaid's tongue wrapped around his cock. Tango grabbed his hair and shoved his head all the way down on his cock,he can feel his cock touch the back of Jimmy's throat. Jimmy pulled away from a breath but continued on,he got on top of the rock and push his tail towards him,tango saw the mermaid's pussy and tits,tango got on top of jimmy sliding his cock into place and kissed solidarity as he could feel his innocence slip away. Solidarity grabbed tango's shoulders while he pushed his cock further and further in Jimmy's vagina,tango grabbed Jimmy's tit and squeezed it making him moan.tango pulled his head away for some air by now jimmy had leg go of his shoulders and plopped them by his side breathing heavily. Tango pushed all the way into a came inside making both of the pant. Tango pulled out and saw the load of cum stream out,he looked at Jimmy's face and noticed that his eyes rolled back and was barely responding to a word tango said. Tango got jimmy on the ship poured some water into a empty tank and dropped him in the tank watching the clear water turn cloudy,tango now knew the prophecy was true and he couldn't believe he just fucked a mermaid one of the main enemies of the elf's.he had diss honor his family but at least he started a new family with jimmy now,he thought that he would later on start trusting prophecies more

This one was very interesting to me because I saw some fanart of gtwscar as a mermaid and I thought of this story,but anyways I hope you guys liked this and I'll see you guys next time bye bye!

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