Little au thingy

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Ayy sorry for being a dead man/girl I've went through a stage of school testing and quizzes exams you get the point of school by now. This au is about ren and doc, ren is sorta infected with a warden virus and goes on a spree chasing people and hurting other, doc gets his attention and tries to bring him back to reality as ren slowly starts falling in love with him,doc isn't aware of this in the start but accepts it at the end. Doc x rendog (fluff)

Doc was helping Cleo patch up joe as he was attacked by a warden, "now did you get to see where it went?" Cleo asked "no but it looked liked ren a bit" joe said causing serious alarms going off in doc's head, ren had been missing for some time now, he couldn't have been infected by the warden virus,could he? " can you describe what the area look like?" Doc said to joe and he nodded "it was a snowy mountain biome with large and dense spruce trees!" Joe said as he was pitched by Cleo for moving around too much.
Doc really wanted to see his friend, or what was left of him by now.

'So this is where joehills got attacked by a so called 'ren warden' aye? Well if I don't return they now what happened to me' doc thought in his mind, as he found blood splattered all over the ground and trees he noticed some really fresh foot prints in the snow, they were leading to a ice cave, doc hesitated but the thought that joe was wrong about ren being a warden and instead was killed by one crossed his mind,but he need Proof that ren was alive or not or was actually the warden. He went in the ice cave and was being the quietest he could ever be, with his big but quite steps he found a inner cave inside the ice cave, he heard stomping coming near him so he quickly ducked behind a large indent in the cave and hid there to not be sensed by 'it', when the warden came by doc saw what a monster he really was, ren was a warden,clearly infected and influenced by the virus, he still had his cape and crown on him,but worse of all he was eating a goat! Doc gasped in terror seeing his friend eating live animals but he covered his mouth from the gasped he made, ren stopped chewing and sniffed the air, he roared and turned to doc slamming himself against the ice trying to reach him, he couldn't because doc was munch more slimmer then he was.
Doc's instinct was to press his body against the back of the wall out of reaching range,ren roared in anger when suddenly the roof of the ice cave caved in and buried ren underneath the big ice sheets and snow, doc was not hurt as he was out of range but squeezed out of the indent and started pushing snow and ice off his old friend, he pulled a large chunk of ice off ren and he was facing down but could feel ren's pain. Ren whimpered from being crushed under ice, he stood or at the very least got on his knees and wiped the snow and tears off his face, doc tried to get closer but ren growled as he could still see just not very clearly, "Ren! It's me doc! We're friends please remember me!" Doc pleaded with ren as he saw ren slowly inching closer at the sound of a very close buddy "d-doc?" Ren spoke,his voice was not the same as it was the last time they met, about 2 weeks ago, "Yeah! It's me doc! Your best buddy!" Doc said getting closer to ren. Ren pulled away from the loud noises obviously wincing at doc's eagerness, " noise, hurt..." Ren said pointing to his ears doc apologized by the loud noises and patted ren's large paws, ren got closer to doc getting a perfect view of him then looking away, doc not knowing ren had a huge crush on him when he was still part human cocked his head, ren's feelings for doc had returned, only he couldn't explain why he was turning a bright blue color, " is there something you want to tell me ren?" Doc asked holding ren's paws making him blush brighter, "m-me uh,me love... love" Ren couldn't say it afraid he might get rejected by his best friend. Doc was puzzled by ren saying love, "love me?" Doc asked ren as he looked back at him in surprise "ye-ah uhh don't know how to express me feelings" Ren said worried what doc will say, " Ren, I don't know to tell you this" doc said, ren feared he was getting rejected " but, I-I love you too! My feeling developed for you once you disappeared 2 weeks ago! I realized how important you were in my life so please don't ever hesitate to say 'I love you' to me" doc said placing his hand on top of ren's paws, ren was blushing up a storm and was wagging his tail so hard it broke ice that was underneath him.

Doc returns to where Cleo and joe were," took you long enough and what's with big dog over there?" Cleo asked doc for and explanation for why ren was here, "yeah doc, why is the giant killing machine here?! He tried to kill me!" Joe said going chest to chest with doc " well maybe if you stopped screaming at me that I'll tell you why ren is here" doc said putting a harsh hand on joe's shoulder and sat him down on a chair forcefully.

After doc was done explaining himself he turned and walked to ren who was playing with some snow, doc sat down next to ren and placed a hand over his paw, only to be met with a kiss on his forehead, doc placed his head on ren's large but furry shoulders and watched the sun set with ren by his side. Cleo and joe watched from a distance snickering at both ren and doc because of how they expressed their feelings for one and other

Yeah my apologies for being dead so have a long story of ren and doc but love you guys bye bye

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