Helsknight x evil xisuma (lemon)

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Hels and EX head off into the over world to mess with their opposite for a while and then get a surprise of their life igevin jevin's older brother who mysteriously disappeared but then reappears out of nowhere :o
Characters involved(thought I should clarify): ink, poley I can't help it and just took the entire character out of piggy and made him ink's husband I'm sorry I'm weird (so disappointed in myself 😔),fluorescence ocs of mine/self insert,welsknight,xisuma,ijevin
Okay sorry to have left for a month and skipped pride on here I was feeling quite lazy :p BUT I plan to make up for this with a long story :D
Also it will take a long time for the spicy stuff to actually happen because of the lore but you'll eventually get there soon :3
ink POV my oc/self insert :P
...*knock knock*... "hello?" ..."ink? I brought over x!" ... "INK! WAKE UP!" A familiar voice shouted and I sprung up, I opened the door rubbing my eyes and yawning "wat u want" I say slurring my words I was practically a undead. "X and I want to watch a movie tonight and thought about inviting you,are you maybe down to come with?" Wels asked patiently for my hungover state,I couldn't even speak now all I could do is nod yes and terribly sign I'll be getting ready. God, I sat up all night crying over a guy who's probably dead by now,but I got my beautiful and loving husband poley who tried but failed to console me last night,at least he stayed with me unlike him, I woke up poley from his deep slumber and got ready to head over to wels base/house of course cause he had the biggest one out of all of us. We went over his house and I started to ready things but he stopped me " don't worry ink,I got already just relax girl" he said what a sly fox he his, I felt a warm feeling that hugged tightly around my body, I assume one of the opposites were hugging her,thanks I needed a hug but I forgot about that because of how inconsolable I was *sigh* geez I'm still crying over a boy who I barely like anymore, guess I can sleep for a little while staying over at wels,it was like a safe haven in here I felt my husband kiss my temple and placed his hand on my back and patted me,I couldn't help but fall asleep there and then.

Fluorescent POV
I hugged Hels because of my feeling of overwhelming sadness,he rubbed my back and told me everything was okay I was smiled hugging him back and wiping tears away from my eyes,I could still be some sort of heavy burden on my shoulders but it slowly lifted. "Hey I'll be going out and run some errands so DON'T DO ANY FUNNY BUSINESS HERE okay?" I said in a mildly un calm demeanor the boys nodded their heads and eventually left for groceries. "Butter,peanut butter, white bread ... wine,soda and ahh!" I bumped into something or someone "sorry,you alright- moonshine?" Hey no one ever calls me that but...but him "gevin where were you!?" I was so happy but sad because how could I tell ink? She married someone already uuugggh what will the boys think of this? "How could I ever tell them this?" I said to igevin  " surprise party maybe?" He always has good ideas but why leave for almost 5 years? " did you ever love ink?" I surprised him with a question,he stood there silent then answered "I had feelings for her but I kinda knew she needed someone better then me... how is she?" Gevin replied "she married a decade later his name is poley,why didn't you even say goodbye?" He stood there dumbfounded trying to find his words " I sorry moonshine but I didn't feel quite right to accept ink's confession,I know I did say goodbye but I didn't want to hurt her feelings" gevin said " you already hurt her by not saying goodbye! Or even I'm sorry gevin so you get your butt to her and say your sorry!" I said back grabbing his arm checked my goodies and left. "Sorry I'm a little late but guess who I found!" I say bringing him in,both of them shocked and mouths wide opened " surprise I guess?" Gevin said then immediately bombarded with questions I just watched, "YOUR GONNA SAY SORRY TO INK'S FACE?! SHE HAS A HUSBAND NOW GEVIN!" They both say but he told them that I informed him about that. "Hey fluorescent,how bout we surprise ink with gevin" Hels said smugly I just looked at him thumbs him up and flopped on the couch after a hard day of surprises. "Same as ever ain't she? Oh btw is my room still here?" I heard gevin say but I was too tired to even continue being conscious all I heard before knocking out was "you really kept my room nice and clean for 5 years?!" Boom knocked out

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