Welsknight x helsknight (lemon)

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Ok setting the scene up so basically welsknight lost a lot of duals and made cocky bets to hels that he was superior and lost horribly big time, hels gets to do whatever he wants with wels like a fateful servant to his master, think of it as like 7 minutes of heaven but the whole day okay? Ok! Let's go!

Welsknight POV
"Fudge..." I say letting my thoughts trail off, Ink (self insert c:) was talking to me but I didn't bother to know what she had said instead I was thinking about how I lost many times to hels and had to do what he wanted for the whole day, since it was 7-1 he had seven things he wanted to do...it's the same thing on separate occasions like days or weeks. "WELS! Are you even paying attention to what I've just announced to you?" Ink said in a angered expression,crap I failed to notice how long I've trailed off to, "listen wels, helsknight informed me about your situation pal,and I've got to say don't get too cocky when this is over! Just obey what he says and you won't have any trouble" she said, ink was the all knowingness and her appearance might deter you from the fact that she's actually quite old,she's 51 and has the appearance of a 30yr. Her silver white hair,her glistening blue eyes and pretty bad scars from fighting our evil selfs protecting everyone else from harm, she also has an alternate self but she is surprisingly nice and kind. I think her name was fluorescent? "Wels tell me one thing you won't do" ink said with a pretty serious face I nod my head to tell her I'm listening "tell me you won't fall in love with hels ok? I know this might be a out of pocket question but there are risks to falling in love..." her voice going quiet very quickly,I look at her with furrowed brows "love can also be a way to harm you,wels. I have experience with igevin jevin's brother you know, he disappeared weeks after my confession like he couldn't understand me. Mark my words wels and don't fall in love with your alternate" from a sadden face to a more serious and tense person,I nod my head in nervousness.
After assuring ink everything was going to be alright because well were buddies living close together. I made my way to helsknight's location and there they bastard stood with great confidence "seriously? A woodland mansion hels? You can't be anymore dramatic then that" I tell him,I know EX owns this cause it has signs saying xisumavoid not allowed! And such,"well I'm tired let's go inside and do something..." he said in a sinister voice. We walk in and there were pictures of all the opposite on the wall standing together close and individually as well,I then noticed gevin. Hels pulls me into his room and tries to forcibly kiss me,I refuse and kick him away only now remembering ink's words of obedience to hels "sorry... instinct" I say to hels,I see a face that understands what my statement meant, still he pins me to the wall and holds my wrist tightly so I couldn't escape his grasp, he kisses me and forcefully puts his tongue in my mouth which I guess was to take dominance but who cares he owns me for the day. After we break apart he throws me to his bed and asks me to put something on and tells me to let know if I was done.
I open the bag next to his bed and we'll i should've known what he was planning to do to me,I let him know I'm finished and he walks in "wow! You look more like a girl then a knight now!" He says as he chuckles with an cocky expression, I'm in a maid dress and he immediately pins me to the bed, come on dude.
He kisses me first and puts a hand under my dress touching my groin which makes me shiver a little, he smiles with glee and grips it making me moan, he thinks I'm not a virgin so I signal for him to stop a bit," Hels I'm still a virgin please be gentle with my Prize possession under there" I say as a hand goes up my shirt and gropes my man boob, I moan, he's teasing me now that he knows I'm a virgin. "Well if I damage your pride then that helps" he smiles ear to ear, he manages to pull all my clothes off in one fell swoop, I sit up and cover my groin with my knees, hels laughs,I'm helpless here, I start to think of ink's words and the words 'don't fall in love' comes to mind, like I'm even going to be kind to him at all. He pushes me down and uncovers my prize possession making me uncomfortable, I'm starting to think I'm not even the bottom. A warm and wet feeling on my groin as I Yelp in sudden shock, hels was giving me blow job! It fells so wrong but pleasuring at the same time. I was a moaning mess,red covered my face and my sounds covered the room, he stops giving me time to collect my self, I then see him lube up his fingers and I prepare myself for the shock of the life time. One figure in, and shock settles in my making me close my legs and curl into a ball, trapping helsknight. "I'll give you time slut" Hels dare call me that so it open my legs for him continue fingering me, two was purely a blessing, I was moaning and enjoying it, guess hels was right I am a slut. Three was painful I shouted and took my hands to muffle my screams, hels was obviously worried hearing me scream like that, "not once have you ever screamed liked that wels" helsknight said getting eye to eye with me, I pleasure I felt when he put his cock in was undeniable but still he let me adjust to this. We continued on Hels thrusts getting stronger and faster and I was a moaning mess with tears down my face, from me being bottom and hels being top we changed positions, sex position. We were spooning I could see the sunlight fading away as hels bit my shoulder, I start to stroke my dick from my intense level of bliss and I had cum early, with Hels physically unhappy about this he flipped me on my belly put me ass up and started pounding as hard as he could go, pinning my head down muffling my shrikes of pleasure he too finally came filling me with his white sticky substance known as cum he pulled out and flopped next to me in bed, I flop down all our energy is gone nothing to do but rest now,,,
I wake up still completely dark, hels was spooning me mumbling about marriage or love, soon I discovered HE was in LOVE  with ME. I had to wiggle out of his arms and get dressed, my body was still tired but I made the trip back to my base. Ink was waiting there,like a loyal dog, she came and gave me a big hug assuring me dinner was prepared and she'll get me anything I desired.
I felt a lot better eating and taking meds to help with the pain Hels left me in, ink sang me lullabies to soothe myself and put me to sleep.
Singing lullabies was one of the ways I helped my friends, knowing what wels went through I stayed with him all night long, only 9 hours ago did he leave and only 9 minutes ago did he fall asleep. I'm glad we're neighbors otherwise I wouldn't have known about this and came to an empty castle with no one in sight, for 9 hours did I just built my base,fish,help others,fish,and help welsknight with sleeping. I'm glad he didn't fall in love but hels did sort of fall in love with him so... yeah I have to deal with him again aren't it?

Thanks for reading guys bye bye!
Word cound: 1405

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