Solidarity x tango (lime?)

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                           "You'll always be my rancher"
Solidarity was taking a break from trying not to murder Joel and fwhip for the fifth time this day and went to a flower field not knowing it was a surprise from tango,the rancher walked slowly carefully trying not to step on the beautiful flowers. As he walked he saw tango out of the corner of his eye, he lifted himself off the ground with his wing and slowly but surely he was gliding to a big tree and hid behind it. He watched tango grow the flowers with bonemeal and smell the sweet aroma of honey and wild flowers " Jimmy's going to love this!" Tango said not knowing solidarity can hear everything he says. Solidarity tried to lift himself up from the ground but only made a lot of noises instead making tango run over to jimmy.tango crossed his arms and stood over jimmy with an angry expression on his face "uh hi my rancher..?" Jimmy said stroking the back of his neck "THOSE FLOWERS ARE A SURPRISE JIMMY!"tango shouted at him but jimmy pulled him in for a kiss instead. After the kiss tango broke the silence by saying " just wanted to see me,right?" Jimmy replied as soon as possible "not only that but I just needed to get away from Joel and fwhip" he said slightly looking away from tango, tango pulled his rancher in and held on as he kissed him with a tight grip. They both pulled apart from each other for a breath when Joel and fwhip arrived to annoy the hell out of them "oh look it's the gremlin" tango said crossing his arms "oh well you see tango we actually saw everything and now we're going to tell everyone" fwhip said with a cheeky grin. Tango didn't hesitate and just punched him hard, they all had an argument but Jimmy wasn't involved in so Joel took Jimmy by his hand which only made tango more angry,his hair started to turn into fire his eyes sharpened up and he flipped his tail up and down. Jimmy forcefully made Joel let go and comforted tango which made him now relax and stopped his rage. Joel and fwhip left them alone for now but at least they had their moment now

Hope this story brought you guys some entertainment so I hope to see you next time bye bye!

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