Rendog x docm77 (lomen)

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This story will take place during ren's heat season

Doc was out checking on his perimeter to see if the buttercups did anything to it yet. He saw nothing happened to his perimeter and flew back to where ren was last left,unattended. He got down and saw that ren was gone 'strange,he never left abruptly before' doc thought 'maybe he got hungry? No maybe he got bored?' He thought as he heard something zoom pass him. He turned and looked to see grian, "wait grian!" Doc said, grian paused mid flight and turned around "what?" He said "have you seen ren around? I can't find him" doc said worrying for his friend "oh ren yeah he went off to his base when you flew off" grian said flying off to the buttercup camp. 'To his base ok' doc thought as he flew up to the air and try to memorize where that was. He flew down to ren's base and heard panting 'panting?' Doc slowly crept down towards the panting to see ren,taking a closer look from the door way he saw ren was very erect. Doc flung his head out of sight from the door and blushed hard 'so that's why he's panting!' Doc thought covering his mouth from making any sound. Doc peeked his head to try and see what ren was doing, ren was trying to cool off using bags of ice then he blurted out "Shit! Doc might be mad at me! I gotta get back..." he said falling down to the floor,he couldn't stand well,he crawled his way to his door but stopped for a breath "I need another way to clear my heat other then masturbating.." ren said making doc have weird thoughts " maybe I can help with that~" doc said stepping out and crouching down to ren's level " you heard me?!" Ren said embarrassed and surprised. Doc picked him up by his scruff then holding him properly, he walked other to ren's bedroom and place him down,ren knew what to do and took off his tanktop and shorts (along side his underpants) now he was naked covering his face with his hands out of embarrassment, doc took off his lab coat and his pants, ren spread his fingers apart to see what doc was packing, his cock was bigger then ren's,ren grabbed a pillow to cover his head and tightly closed his legs, "oh so you're nervous huh? First time?" Doc said getting on top of ren and threw the pillow off. Doc grabbed ren's wrists and pinned him down with one hand, ren gave up he knew if he fought doc he would lose cause doc is very strong then ren. Doc grabbed ren's thighs and moved it aside, he positioned himself with ren's ass and stuck it in. Ren whimpered in pain which than slowly turned to pleasure, doc speed up a bit wanting to hear ren whimper more, ren was panting and whimpering in pleasure with his mouth opened and tongue out. Doc freed up a hand and grabbed ren's jaw and kissed him. Ren was wagging his tail from the pleasure as doc sped up faster, ren's moans were turning doc on causing him to go faster,doc felt the need to ejaculaat so he went in all the way into ren making scream with pain yet in pleasure,ren's nails dug into doc's skin hard making him wince in pain and he released his load all into ren who was biting doc's shoulder. As doc pulled out ren flopped his head down and put his hand on his mouth,his eyes were going up with the unbearable amount of pleasure he just felt. Doc check his shoulders and they were in fact bleeding from ren's nail and teeth " I might have to trim your nail now" doc said but no response,he checked up on ren and his eyes were closed but he was still breathing heavily. After the intense sex he had in his life ren could not do anything so he didn't protest to getting nails trimmed and he didn't protest to doc covering him with his blanket.
Days passed and ren was feeling better he was the happy go lucky guy doc knew again "if you need anything help you could've just asked me" doc said to ren making him freeze with embarrassment after what happened those pass days "yeah ok,so the next time I go into heat you'll help me" ren said rubbing the back of his neck "of course" doc said back,no response just embarrassment and ren turning into a tomato then falling down but was caught by doc with worry in his face. Ren woke up in doc's bed and just wanted to go back to his home but doc's bed was very comfortable so he ended up staying for the day, doc saw everything and peeked his head back out and laughed to himself while blushing

Bye y'all hope you enby joy this one good night!

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