Tango x solidarity (lemon)

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Solidarity was flying home with his brand new elytra that he got from the end since he couldn't fly with his wings (going off some fan art of jimmy with wings) As he was flying he saw tango hanging out with shubble,he contemplated if he should stop by and say hi and he didn't see where he was going so as he looked up he saw a tree right in front of him and he slammed his whole face into the tree making the whole forest shake with the force of how fast he was going. Fortunately tango and shubble heard the noise and ran straight over to see who just crashed into a tree, " OH MY GODNESS JIMMY!" Tango exclaimed with horror, solidarity was face first into the ground and not moving. Tango flipped jimmy over and his was face was bloody and bruised, he picked him up and carried him back to shubble's place for a quick check to see if he was alright. "Good news he's fine bad news he will have to stay inside for at least a week for his wounds to heal" shubble said to tango who was carrying solidarity bridal style and about to leave. After tango got the message from shubble he headed straight back to solidarity's base and place him in his bed," you'll be alright sweetheart, your rancher is here to take care of you" tango said not aware that solidarity could still hear him. Tango spent the next couple of weeks taking care of solidarity as he got better and better, soon he was back on his feet and walking fine. "Tango as a token of graduate I'll give you a gift, but it's at my base so you'll need to follow me home..." jimmy said slightly embarrassed about what he was going to do next and kept thinking that maybe tango knows now since he was acting strange but in reality tango didn't know what the hell is going to happen once he stepped foot into solidarity's base. "So uhh what the surprise gift you got me?" Tango said still unaware "it's in the bathroom so I'll be right back..." jimmy said walking to the bathroom with confidence. Tango waited around for Jimmy's surprise, jimmy lost the confidence to go out in his new outfit which was a bunny suite with see through leggings. Tango heard the door open and looked up to see jimmy in a bunny suite and very see trough leggings. "JIMMY C-COVER UP MAN" tango covered his innocent eyes with his hands and blushed as bright as a tomato while jimmy on the other hand had his whole body red from embarrassment but he had to repay tango back somehow. "TANGO THIS IS YOUR GIFT SO PLEASE ACCEPT IT!" Jimmy sat on tango's lap and uncovered his eyes to face him "JIMMY PLEASE IM A VIRGIN!" Tango shouted grabbing Jimmy's wrist "SO AM I TANGO!" Jimmy said pushing tango on his back so he was laying on the bed. Everything was silent and both tango and jimmy were bright red, jimmy felt something press against his ass and looked back,tango was very erect. Jimmy slowly pressed his ass against tango's dick, tango grabbed solidarity waist and flipped him over putting him on his stomach and facing away from him "TANGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Jimmy shouted as his looked back and saw tango unzip his pants and once he done that he began to takeout a bunny tail buttplug that solidarity had in hence why he took a very long time in the bathroom, Jimmy felt and sharp pain which than turned into pleasure as tango slowly stuck his cock all the way in his ass. Solidarity's moans were making tango enjoy more of this, Jimmy gripped the sheets of his bed harder as tango started going faster and faster getting hornier each second. AH~ MH~ solidarity moaned biting down on his sheets hard as tango started raw dogging it and stuck his cock all the way into solidarity's ass making him let go and exclaim a loud moan. But tango wasn't done he grabbed Jimmy's head and forced it down on the bed sheets while grabbing both of his wrist and putting it in front of him, Jimmy moved his head to the side to look at tango destroy his ass and he loved every piece of it. Tango bent over and gave some love bites on solidarity's neck claiming jimmy as his, tango pulled out and cummed on Jimmy's back pulling his head back and breathing really loud,solidarity was trembling in every body part and his eyes were rolled back. Tango had to clean everything up and even clean solidarity's back because of his load he shot out on him, tango even slept with Jimmy and the next day everyone was talking about them, even sausage and Scott talked about it grian came up to jimmy and said "well you two seem to have really loud shouting match's or you guys were having a bit to much fun in there" grian said smirking at him,everyone had heard them fuck and it was all because of him. Even tho they severely embarrassed themselves they still loved each other deeply at a cost of jimmy not being able to walk and sit for a couple of days but everything was back to normal in a couple of days, despite the fact everyone makes fun of them for fucking really loud they both hated the fact everyone expected etho,bdubs and mumbo they only comforted tango and jimmy because they're sweethearts

Thanks for reading this mess of a story but I have school tomorrow so I probably won't be posting much for a while but anyway hope you guys liked it and I'll see you next time bye bye!

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