Impulse x skizzleman (fluff)

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Sorry for being an absent creator I was just not feeling it with writing that much because I was being so burnt out but anyway this will just be a cute story with impulse and skizz
Season 9 style. A little bit of blood in this one
Impulse was helping out with tango's decked out game because one of the warden's had escaped. "Uh impulse? The warden right there. You might wanna-" tango was was cutoff as impulse was hit by a super sonic boom from the warden,he fell down after hitting a wall. Tango was in shock and in horror as he heard impulse's bones crack, "IMPULSE NOO!" tango yelled out,as he tried to help impulse he saw feathers come out of he looked back the warden tied up and put to sleep," what happened wait IMPULSE!" Tango jumped down to tried to help impulse but he was gone but as he searched he found white feathers "so skizz got to you first,at least he's helping you" tango said as he walked up to the warden and took it back to the dungeon.
Time skip
"I really do hope none of those bones are actually broken,just Fractured" skizz said patching up impulse from his incident with the warden."I'm-sorry..." impulse said weakly "sorry impulse,you need rest to heal those wounds" skizz said putting his hand on impulse's hand. Skizz blushed a little but shakes it off remembering that impulse was his closest friend."impulse,you shouldn't have angered that warden" skizz said rubbing his head "my wings are bruised badly because of the debris falling on me" skizz said "sorry about skizz" skizz was shocked and turned around facing a now conscious impulse. Skizz blushed hard but covered his face with his hands "Oh-uhh hey impulse!" Skizz said shyly,impulse was blinking trying to clear his head on what was happening "why am I laying down? And why I'm I in your bed?" Impulse said trying to get up but skizz gently shoved him back down saying "because you hit your head slamming into a wall and I had no other place to put you in my house" skizz said quickly clearing his mind from what he was thinking about impulse. Impulse turned to skizz with puppy eyes "can I at least sit up on the bed?" He said making skizz confused on what to do next,skizz grabbed impulse by his shoulders and made him sit upright "ugh finally,now I can at least talk to you upright and not sideways" impulse said holding his head "you know,I could still hear you but barely, all I could hear was ringing and you saying how I shouldn't have done that and stuff" impulse said not noticing skizz was on the verge of a break down when he said he could hear what he was saying "hey skizz, you alright there buddy?" Impulse said grabbing skizz's attention causing him to turn redder. Skizz covered his face with his arms and quickly walked out of his bedroom making impulse confused, skizz went to his bathroom and turned on the skink splashing his face with cold water to cool him down, get your mind together skizz! Impulse is your best friend! Do not fall in love! Do not fall in lov- his thoughts were interrupted by impulse coming in to the bathroom "impulse You shouldn't be out of bed!" Skizz reprimanded grabbing his wrist causing impulse to go red "I wanted to make sure you're alright skizz" impulse said pulling skizz closer to his face,this action lead to both of them turning bright red and wide eyed,they quickly pulled away from each other but impulse felt a little faint later collapsing,he heard skizz say wake up softly and someone putting a wet towel on his forehead,he fell asleep after that. When he woke up the next morning skizz and tango were getting ready to change the towel on his head "your awake impulse!" Skizz lept onto impulse happily and tango smiled smugly "so you two have a thing now?" Tango asked snapping skizz back to subconscious and pulled away from impulse "I only found out I had an interest in him yesterday okay!" Skizz said turning impulse's cheeks a light pink color. Tango left the two love birds to do their thing,impulse and skizz sat together in silence for a minute until impulse said something "I didn't know you were into me" impulse said " I didn't know either" skizz said blushing,impulse grabbed skizz's hand and kissed it, skizz now red but smiling fell to the floor with a loud thud making tango come in and help him up.
"Usually he never faints but around you I guess he just let it all go" tango said lifting skizz up "same goes to you and solidarity" impulse smugly said making tango turn and look at him with a 'I'm going to kill you' look.

I hope you guys like this one and sorry for leaving my bad I really want to get back the spirit of making stories left and right but it's been slow but anyways bye bye!

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