Grian x mumbo (fluff)

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Grian was out contemplating if he would build the back of his base or do something that would piss impulse off, grian checked his phone for advice from someone when mumbo texted him saying he need him for a moment. Grian flew over to mumbo's base and Saw that there was a cup of hot tea on a coffee table ready for him and mumbo was just sitting,waiting or grian in his pj's. "Well...Nice pj's?" Grian said getting mumbo's attention "I wanted to have a sleepover with you" mumbo said shyly "well I was contemplating complaining the back of my base but I guess having a sleepover helps too" grian said sitting down on mumbo's couch and having some tea. Mumbo had really crazy thoughts about what he and grian might do but he shook them away and thought that it was going to be a fun night with grian. It was about 9:50 and grian had already fallen asleep on mumbo's couch,mumbo slowly got up and walked over to his closet and grabbed some quilts and pillows for him and grian to sleep,he walked over to grian and placed some quilts on him,then he lifted grian's head and place a pillow under him, once he had done that he was going back to his chair only to be pulled back and cuddled by grian. 'Man is he strong for a little guy' mumbo thought,but he let it slide.
Time skip :p
Grian woke up and saw that he was hugging mumbo,he got up and placed mumbo on the couch while he flew out to met bdubs for important stuff. "You look like someone just punched you dude" grian said to bdubs making him remember the time etho patched up his wounds "I..just fell out of a tree....that's all" he said making grian wonder why he was In a tree,but he didn't question it.
Back to mumbo :D
Mumbo woke up with grian nowhere to be seen.he thought that maybe grian didn't like him cuddling together but then saw from afar that grian and bdubs were talking about something. Mumbo then thought that maybe grian didn't want to wake him and that made mumbo blush a little,it was still early in the morning so barely anyone was up so no one was going to ask him what he was grian were doing last night.

Made this at 12 am so I'm going to get barely any sleep in the morning.Yes I did mention bdubs and etho in this.Love you bye!

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