Etho x bdubs (lemon)

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Mermaid au again sorry but I just can't stop thinking about them as mermaids

In the middle of the night Bdubs was suddenly awoken by harsh banging near the shoreline,so he thought he'd check it out to make sure it wasn't any pirates. So he walked over to the shore and saw a dark figure that seems to be basking in the moonlight,but as he looked closer it seemed to be tangled in something. "Uh hello? Do you need help,I'm not going to hurt you" bdubs call you to the shadow "I would love some help,especially near my tail" the this responded bdubs thought tail? Then remembered that only mermaids have tails,he took a step back but heard the mermaid say something but he wasn't sure "the names etho~and I won't hurt you little human~"he said in a seductive manner,bdubs was confused mermaids are never this talkative but he went over to help anyway. One by one he took off the net that was attached to etho's fin,"okay! That was the last of it! You should be off now!" Bdubs said puffing his cheeks,etho laughed "I'm not leaving until I give you my award~" etho said pulling bdub's legs closer to him,way to close. Bdubs could feel the heat coming off of etho indicating how close he's getting,he moved his hair out the way and slowly moved his hand to bdubs belt buckle, bdubs could hear etho quietly pant as he was getting impatient. Bdubs grabbed etho by the hands and pulled him to his chest only to feel his cock rub against his,etho chuckled and finally pulled down bdubs's pants to reveal his cock,etho slowly got closer to bdubs's mouth with his until they finally kissed,bdubs's cock slipped right into etho's ass making him moan quietly,to started shaking his hips side to side making bdubs grab his hips. Etho felt a slight pain in his ass as bdubs stuck his dick all the way inside him,"AHH! MHHM!" Etho uttered as bdubs flipped him around and started moving his hips fast inside of etho making him moan harder, etho had little tears in his eyes, he was grinding his teeth and his head went all the way back but he was kissed by bdubs again making his moans quieter. Bdubs never thought that he would be fucking a mermaid before and pulled out quickly releasing his cum on etho's stomach breathing hard,etho was panting pretty hard but knew he had to leave now that bdubs finally got his award. Bdubs clean up after him and etho's quick exchange and went back to his house to sleep again,but couldn't he just kept thinking about etho and his pretty eyes of different color rolling back. Later in the morning the same bang happened so bdubs went to check and it was etho again,he was just waiting for him at the shoreline "well fantasy meeting you here aye?" He said smiling from ear to ear "what do you want this time etho?" Bdubs said clearly tired of him now "oh well I just wanted to see you again after that night hehe..." etho said looking to his side bdubs could tell he just wanted to be fucked a again "fine! I'll fuck you again but I have to get some chores done around here so why don't you wait a little!" Bdubs said turning his head to his little house,etho nodded and patiently waited for bdubs to come back. After that encounter etho never left bdubs's side he built etho a tank in his room so etho could do what ever he wanted to do,it even had little wheels so bdubs could roll hi around places. Etho and bdubs eventually got together and both bdubs and etho could never forget that night they met

Yay ending time,anyway I hope you guys like this and I'll see you next time bye bye!

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