Mumbo x (fem) grian (lemon)

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Mumbo is a vampire and grian is a parrot. And yes like most of the stories I've made them hybrid creatures

Mumbo was minding his business but saw feathers falling down so he looked up and saw grian flying fast to his base so he decided to pay a visit to him. Mumbo put on his elytra and flew over,since it was in the middle of the night mumbo could blend in with the dark, grian was running getting all of his blankets and pillows and throwing them on his bed then throwing himself on it,mumbo could see that grian was in distress so he walked out of the shadows and quietly walked over to grian who was facing down on his bed,"grian? Are you alright?" Mumbo ask scaring grian "AHH MUMBO" Grian yelled pushing mumbo back with a pillow "woah woah woah! Grian it's me calm down!" Mumbo said but grian kicked him in the stomach making him fall down on grian, grian went red in the face and mumbo felt his hand touched something on grian's chest,mumbo's face went even redder the grian was,"grian...your a GIRL?!" Mumbo screamed at Grian,grian looked away in embarrassment "mumbo I have to tell you something but promise me you won't tell anyone about it" Grian said mumbo nodded his head in agreement "mumbo...I'm actually a girl well I was born a girl and I've been hiding it for quite some time now." Grian said he knew that mumbo would have to be shut up to keep a secret "but need to do something for me in the end grian" mumbo said grian knew what he meant " well I am in heat season..." Grian said flipping over on his back looking at mumbo with seductive eyes. Mumbo thought to himself that he might get a trickle of blood out of it, mumbo moved his hand up to grian's chest and took off his sweatshirt to show his bare chest,mumbo ran a finger over grian's nipple causing him to moan through his teeth mumbo then took his other hand and stripped grian's pants,"what about you?" Grian said "I have a zipper in my pants grian" mumbo said and unzipped his pants and Grian saw what mumbo had in store "mumbo you really have something in store! But do you have any lube with you?" Grian said flipping over to his side,mumbo went to his inventory and pulled a bottle of lube out and put some on his fingers and rubbed it on his cock while grian watched from afar,mumbo lifted grian's leg over his shoulder and position himself and pushed his cock in slowly to let grian adjust to it,grian had never felt anything like this and let out a big moan "AH~F-FUCK MUMBO!" Grian shouted this made mumbo hornier. "Grian feel so you want me to go faster?" Mumbo said and grian nodded so mumbo went faster pounding into grian's tight pussy making grian moaned a lot louder. Mumbo came closer to grian's face and kissed him on the lips,Mumbo pulled away and bit down on his neck and he tasted the blood that slowly trickled out grian moaned as he felt like cumming,mumbo felt as if he was getting closer to cumming "Grian in or out?" Mumbo said "out!" Grian said still moaning so mumbo pulled out and came on grian's stomach. Mumbo flopped next to Grian on the bed " hey Grian.did it hurt when I bit you on the neck?" Mumbo asked Grian the over with a death stare "yes you foul beast!" Grian said "also you better not tell ANYONE about this!" Grian told mumbo and he nodded. Later on mumbo was with scar and they were working on scarland "hey mumbo why was Grian so red earlier?" Scar said looking at mumbo as he turned red just by thinking about what he and grian were doing last night "uhh he's probably sick or something" mumbo said scar doubted that,later mumbo met up with Grian and told him what happened "scar nearly found out because of me mumbo!" Grian said grabbing onto mumbo who was blushing bright red " maybe stay inside for a little and scar might not find out what we did last night especially where you got that bite mark" mumbo said putting a finger near grian's chin,mumbo knew Grian that Grian wasn't going to listen to him anyway so why did he bother even telling him

Hope you like this bye bye!

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