Etho x bdubs (lime)

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Bdubs was out and about doing something for scar, when someone punched his right shoulder,bdubs turned around only to be lifted off from the ground and into the air. He looked up and saw etho carrying him,"ETHO PUT ME DOWN!" bdubs screamed at etho "if I put you down now you'll fall and die" etho calmly said to his little buddy. They both made it to etho's house and finally put bdubs down "what are you doing you buffoon!" Bdubs exclaimed loudly at etho expecting a calm response back but he felt etho's lips press up against his for a moment,bdubs quickly pulled away and saw etho's unmasked face looking at him with disappointment "what were you doing?!" Bdubs said at etho "I thought you'd like it" etho said sadly "I did..." bdubs muttered under his breath "what was that?" Etho said leaning closer to hear what bdubs just said,"I'M NOT REPEATING THAT!" Bdubs said angrily with a red face "so I assume you liked it,didn't you?" Etho said pinning bdubs to a wall and dragging his fingers though his hair. Bdubs now bright red just accepted his now longing fate with etho, etho brought bdubs's face closer to his and kissed him making sure he didn't break free,once they did break free for a breath of air bdubs slowly slid away from etho but that didn't work at all. Etho grabbed him by his waist and pulled him into his bed,bdubs covered his face with his hands as etho put a hand under his shirt,bdubs hated anyone that touches his waist but it seemed he was enjoying it now that etho was here. As etho made his way up to his chest he uncovered bdubs face to see a flustered and more horny man in front of him "you seem to enjoy this very much?" Etho said surprising bdubs into taking etho's hand out from under his shirt,"YOU WILL NOT FLUFF ME TODAY ETHO!" Bdubs shouted holding his shirt down and denying etho's hands to get in again "awww... maybe a cuddle will do the trick" etho said bringing bdubs closer to his chest and holding him there, bdubs's thoughts were going crazy when his head was pressed against etho's chest." Etho" bdubs said surprising etho "yeah?" Etho replied calmly as ever "I have to work with scar about something..." bdubs said in embarrassment "noway,your not leaving until the next baby!" Etho shout tightening his hold on bdubs,bdubs thought ' dang it! But scar will be mad!' Bdubs said but his cares slowly faded away as he drifted off to sleep,etho noticed this and finally let bdubs go and placed him onto the bed covering him with as many blankets etho had then falling asleep next to him. Etho woke up to see a note placed on the bed and it read 'sorry I couldn't stay for long,I had important stuff to do. Hopefully I'll get to do some stuff with you once I'm done. - bduoleo100' etho thought aww he likes me back as he safely put the note into a drawer smiling and blushing.

Bye hope you guys loved it!

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