(Trans fem)Solidarity x smajor1995 (lomen)

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This is an AU where solidarity is an angel and smajor is a devil. Devils are devious little bastards and always want to fuck angels for the likes of themselves. Angels are helpful creatures with gorgeous looks and is devils mess around with them, they fuck around and find out soon. Jimmy is a angel whose wings don't work so he is not worth being noticed by the other angels, Scott is a devil whose ass gets beaten one to many times but once he finds jimmy something take a turn.

Solidarity was caring for some flowers in the angelic garden just doing stuff like the other angels would do but none of them seem to notice him except for the little kids that are there in the garden because they don't have really big wings. "Oh please don't water them spot much Susie! Theses flowers need to be watered once every week!" Jimmy said warning the little girl "sorry mr solidarity, I didn't know that" Susie said to Jimmy "it's alright just don't do it the next time" solidarity said patting Susie on the head. Solidarity is  a angel who takes care of the kids due to his friendly face and gentle spirit he gives out so other angels trust the kids with him, solidarity gave a lesson to the kids about the different kinds of flower they had in the garden when a guard burst open the door "PROTECT THE KIDS JIMMY! THE DEVILS ARE COMING HIDE EVERYONE!" The guard shouted as he held off some demons but one of them got through. "No! I won't let you take them! You'll have to take me instead!" Solidarity said with his kind voice "Oh oh oh, a softy ay? I like soft ones" the demon said cackling while grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the garden door "Stay safe everyone! I'll be find!" Jimmy said smiling had the kids and the other angels who saw him being taken away,"NOT JIMMY!" One angel said but suddenly he was knocked out cold. Solidarity woke up being cuffed to the floors of his jail cell, he looked around and saw nothing no angels insight he guess he was the only one to be taken away."huh, your awake so soon. Would you tell me why?" A demon said grabbing his attention, this demon was dressed in bright colors and wearing barely anything " I just accept my fate, so just kill me now" jimmy said making the demon confused,why would an angel accept their fate and not struggle or fight back in any way, this angel made him feel sympathetic he hated that this angel could do that. "You angel what's your name?" He ask demanding to know " oh it's Jimmy but I call myself solidarity" he said expecting no response "my name's Scott" the demon said embarrassed that he's doing this, solidarity just looked up at him with a sadden frown "so are you going to kill me yet?" He asked making Scott fell more sympathetic. Scott opened the door unlocked the heavy metal ball that was holding him down and grabbed the cuffs leading Jimmy to Scott's room "where are you taking me?" Jimmy said "to my room" Scott replied Jimmy thought of one thing that he was going to kill him there but no Scott didn't do that instead he served him some food and made a place for him to hide." So... sorry for... taking you from heaven but... we needed uhh we need angels to actually make demons" Scott said looking away from jimmy but continued on " so sex demons have one thing they're good at,making babies and angels are the most fertile out of all demons uh look demons who want to have kids with other demon have a low chance of actually making one. It's either the baby dies halfway through pregnancy or you have to try again. With angels it's much better" Scott said embarrassed saying this to an angel "oh so basically I'm your sex slave huh,alright let's just get this over with-"jimmy was cut off by Scott saying "No! It's not like that really, we have to bond with the angel we chose hence why we don't remotely go near the kids. A friendship with the angel can get a romance to happen so..." Scott said rubbing the back of his neck "but the demons don't really listen to that and just fuck them immediately to have kids" Scott said lowering his head on his arm "so this is bonding? At least have some flowers in here! They would look really nice!" Jimmy said,he didn't care if Scott was using him or not he only wanted to see flowers. Scott surprise but obliged to this and got jimmy some flower,jimmy looked up at him and smiled making Scott blush hard.After some time together jimmy finally said something,he slammed his hand down on the table "Scott! You have permission to do whatever you want with my body!" Jimmy said confidentiality,this made Scott blush more with this information but he got to it. Scott took off his pants and pinned jimmy to the bed using the cuffs to be attached on the bed railing, Scott slowly took off solidarity's shorts once his shorts were off Scott pushed his cock in slowly and waiting for jimmy to get used to it,by now Scott was wondering why Jimmy was super flat so he asked "Jimmy,why are you flat?"he said making jimmy blush "well I'm a trans girl Scott. I didn't like my boobs" jimmy said turning his head away from Scott.this only made him more interested in jimmy,he slipped off Jimmy's top to reveal the cuts under his boobs. Scott proceeded to pinch his tits making jimmy moan loud since it was his first time,Scott slowly picked up the pace in fucking solidarity making him moan even more,Scott played around with jimmy a bit playing around with his tits while fucking him. Bit by bit Scott felt closer and closer and pulled out and came on Jimmy's stomach both of them panting hard. Scott unlocked the cuffs on Jimmy wrist and got to cleaning up with jimmy took a shower washing off all the sins he just experienced with Scott. Everything went well on the first day and eventually Scott let jimmy go but only if he meets him every night in heaven and so began the forbidden relationship of jimmy and Scott no one ever suspected a thing from them

Longest story ever geez I'll have to wait at least 3 days for more ideas but I hope you guys like this and I'll see you later bye bye!
Word count:1132

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