Helsknight x evil xisuma

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Alright I'm making this short sweet and simple okay, I may fuck up on the fluff part and sometimes I like to change it up so you'll see some stories with like different characteristics but same settings and background shit alright so enough with my note and let's get on!
(Btw sort of self insert her name is fluorescent and she is opposite of another self insert called ink,idk I searched up the opposite of ink and it gave me that please deal with it)

Requested by:lamalamasimp (nice name btw)

Hels just had a battle with wels his non evil side so he was battered and bruised everywhere, there was even a point where wels did some foul play and hit his crotch with the butt of his sword causing major pain. He went home to his quite cramped apartment which was over run by boxes and random books on the floor, hels picked up a book while wincing in pain due to the cuts from wels's sword the book's title was blank and curiosity got the best of him so he opened it and it was filled with pictures of ink and fluorescent together as kids, since he didn't want to get too curious he shut it and tossed it down dragging himself slowly to the kitchen where his roommates were. Hels plopped in but soon fainted because of blood los, helsknight woke up in his roommates bed because his bed wasn't fluffy it was most likely fluorescent or EX, "afternoon tough guy" EX said walking in with a bowl of popcorn, he placed it down next to the wardrobe with a giant mirror (idk how you describe it) "whose room am I in EX?" Hels responded to EX "you in my room goof ball! Fluorescent's room is much more girlish dude!" EX laugh bringing the attention of fluorescent to the room, "don't move for a while hels,your hooked up to a blood pack and a IV so please don't get rowdy with EX" she responded to such noise, fluorescent was their healer/cook she always prepares everyone food plus she had a job as a nurse in the netherworld so she was financially stable but the guys weren't. She also never fought with ink her opposite side/nice side. "Don't cause trouble for hels EX,I have to get more of his blood type so he can live his life again" she said walking away "I'm off to work now! So don't burn the apartment down!" Shutting the door and using her ender eyes to teleport away, the boys watched as she teleports away EX strikes up a conversation with hels of what had happened "so I was just battling welsknight and he really did improve but he also did some foul play by hitting my crotch with the sword butt and then kicked me away!" Hels was pissed at wels for just leaving in the dust to go home alone but realized he also had a home, hels was pushed back down by EX hels looked at him confused "fluorescent said to not move dumbo" he lectured hels about moving his body "well then... can you at least stay with me?" Hels said looking away not sure if EX will respond but he heard rustling on the bed and saw EX was besides him gently placing a hand on his hand "I will hels, I'll stay by your side until fluorescent comes back" he answered making hels smile at EX as he softly dozed off to sleep

Bonus: welsknight POV
"Huh, we'll that's weird" I said "what's weird?" Ink said back looking at me, "I fell a warm feeling on my hand as if someone was embracing it softly ink" I said to her "well wels, he has someone that cares about him" ink says to while getting on her horse "what do you mean?" I ask dumbfounded "it means someone's holding his hand wels! And it's definitely not fluorescent because she's at work in the netherworld so it probably evil xisuma!" She snapped at me for not knowing "yeah sorry about that ink...why does fluorescent have a job? I thought the netherworld didn't have places to work?" I ask her another stupid question only to be met with tired and annoyed eyes " there's the nether and the netherworld wels, to different places one has abandoned structures and the other one has a lively world like ours" she said riding off to the distance. I never got to ask my final question though, why is EX holding my hand in the first place?

Alright sorry I was gone I had a lot of stressful work and days I also had tests and quizzes which burnt me out from literally doing anything. Sorry and I'll probably get back into it but not for a week or two bye bye!
Word count: 818

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