Canary and the blaze

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For people that don't know it solidaritygaming and tangotek.
This is my au so please be respectful of it.

Jimmy woke up in his nest,cold but still it's better than no nest. He sat up and started to preen his feathers preparing for flight, as he was doing so something or someone crashed into the tree he was nesting in, he peered out of the tree and saw grian holding his head, he was still not used to flying. Jimmy hopped on the edge of the hole he nested in and started a conversation with grian the parrot " hey you alright grian?" He asked gliding down to the forest floor "alright but some of my feathers are gone" he said grooming himself to get dirt and leaves out of his feathers, jimmy offered to help and there sat two little birds busy preening each other, a perfect target for a fox. They both heard a rustle from the bushes and they flew up to jimmy's little nest big enough for a family of squirrels then the fox appeared it was Etho he licked his his lips but saddened that his prey had gotten away so he just turned around and walked away. Both the birds signed with relief as they weren't turned into someone's dinner so they continued preening each other until both of them were cleaned and beautiful. Grian left jimmy and waved goodbye,jimmy sat there with nothing else to do except to look for food, but he was really in the mood for food so he was flew until he found something interesting. Jimmy flew onto a tree branch and watched xisuma the bee carry a lot of pollen to his home Jimmy watched until he was bored again, when he was about to fly off he saw a little tail come in his peripheral vision and was surprised by it so he took a closer look it was tango but he was bruised and bleeding it looked like he just came from the netherworld so he flew down to him and scared the life out of him. "JIMMY!" He cried out from shock " did you come back from the nether?" He said to tango the blaze, tango was breathing hard and couldn't answer the question so he nodded his head. Jimmy flew on tango's shoulders and Tried to fly carrying him. It took awhile because tango was a lot heavier then Jimmy was so flying wasn't the best traveling experience for tango. A long and slow way home but they made it back to jimmy's nest and jimmy got all the medicine and medical supplies Jimmy had, he started to bandage tango up. Jimmy put medicine on tango's wounds and then put bandages on them,tango blushed as Jimmy massaged his hand with a giant bruise, tango turned his head away so Jimmy wouldn't see him blush over the fact Jimmy was massaging his hand. " ah I'm so tired now" Jimmy said stretching his arms while tango was half covered with blood, so tango took it upon himself to bandage himself up. When he was done he looked over at Jimmy who was resting in a pile of feathers and down feathers and tango couldn't help but blush at him cutely resting so he got closer to Jimmy when he was suddenly he was pinned down by Jimmy,he was flustered that he was on top of tango so he got off instantly but was bright red. But suddenly jimmy's stomach growled and realized that he didn't eat all day so he excused himself and flew off. Tango was now alone so he snooped around jimmy's nest and found a old picture of Jimmy and grian as little babies and tango awed at baby solidarity and put it back, there wasn't anything else so tango just waited until Jimmy was back. He waited a while and Jimmy flew back with a bunch of groceries it was mainly fruits but there was something that peeked tango's interest it was a piece of cake Jimmy had bought. " you gonna share that cake?" Tango asked as Jimmy set his stuff down " well of course that's why I bought it for a reason!" Jimmy said opening the cake and grabbing two forks for him and tango they sat down and ate. Tango ended up spending the rest of his day at jimmy's place so he would heal up and so he can eat the cake Jimmy brought over.

Sorry I have been on Wattpad for long I've been busy with school and all of the homework my teachers assigned me but bye bye I hope you enjoyed this story!

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