Ldshadowlady x smallishbeans (cute)

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Ok I know it's not hermitcraft but I just love these two together and the fact lizzie likes to mess with Joel a lot. This is empire's s1 btw

Lizzie was getting stuff done around her base when see got a message from Joel saying to meet him at his place with a winky face. Lizzie could only think of two things, one Joel actually had something to show her and two, him laying on a bed hand on cheek and other hand on hip with a rose in his mouth kind of thing. Lizzie picked the first option and and used her elytra to fly over to Joel's palace. When she opened the door to his base she was shocked to see him and and romantic dinner date set up with rose petals all around it. "And you invite me here just for dinner date?" Lizzie said crossing her arms and pouting "not just a regular dinner date, but we're also going to takes tours all around each kingdom!" Joel exclaimed happily while hugging his wife. Joel sat lizzie down for the dinner date which was stake with mashed potatoes and wine ( what do fancy gourmet meals even look like? ) after Joel had finished his share he noticed that lizzie was having a little trouble cutting her stake so he offered her to let him cut it. Lizzie had finished eating her meal and looked up to see Joel looking at her with hearts in his eyes " uhh hello?" She said making Joel embarrassed and looked away. After that incident he took Lizzie to each and every kingdom there is and toured each spot with the cod father watching them ever so slightly. Jimmy was furious that his seabling was out on a date,both Lizzie and Joel knew his presence there but it was still funny. After touring all placing even the swamp where jimmy lived they embraced each other tightly hugging with jimmy watching closely, after the tight embrace Joel kissed Lizzie and took off using his elytra with a very furious cod father fallowing behind him chasing him with a diamond sword. Lizzie was left there surprised but she still smiled at her lover Joel who was being chase by her seabling jimmy the cod father

I love Joel and Lizzie I also like that jimmy and Lizzie have an actual brother and sister relationship and empire's season 1

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