Rendog x docm77 (lemon)

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Not from the same part as the other one was just to be clear

While waiting for his friend doc,ren decided to go for a short walk so he won't get bored. On his way he saw grian and mumbo acting lovey dovey to each other and he couldn't help but feel a pinch of jealousy for them,tango was trying to get his warden under control (again) and ren wondered back to where he was originally. Doc told him to met him at 6 but ren was an impatient dog, 4 pm and your bestie promised to meet you at 4:30?! Uh he thought but he then thought to himself why not meet him at his base. Ren flew over to doc's base and went inside,it was all jumbled up and things were knocked over, ren thought doc would never do this because he's a clean guy. He heard faint grunting and silently walked over to see what was going on, it was doc and he was doing something on his computer, ren tipped toed to a near by cabinet and hid behind it to observe what doc is doing. Doc was grunting and trying silently to please himself so he isn't hard when meeting up with ren,ren saw this and blushed but put a hand over his mouth not letting out any noise to alert doc. He sat and saw everything doc was doing and he got hard from watching and did everything he could to make it go away. Doc glanced over and saw ren trying to calm himself down before he gets caught but it was already too late because doc had caught him red handed. "Hey ren" doc said in a soothing voice it startled ren making his cock rise more unexpectedly "UUh hey d-doc! Sorry for barging in unannounced!" Ren said standing up trying to hid his cock from doc's view,but doc had seen everything and decided to do something to let ren know that sneaking up on others isn't very good, "you do know that I have to keep you from telling anyone what you saw you know?" Doc walking over pinning him to the wall and grabbed his chin bringing it up closer to him,ren was gett turned on more by the sudden action and tried to say something but couldn't,all he could do was look down to try on notify doc on what's happening in his pants. Doc got the memo and looked back at ren seductively, he shoved ren to the ground and pinned one of his arms to his back and ripped off his clothing reviling his back which was clawed up from mobs," let's just get this over okay doc?" Ren embracing for doc's hard cock to go inside of him, but instead felt a cold liquid rub against his ass his was cold so he shivered then he felt a huge cock slide in, doc was relentless and pounded ren's hole like a chew toy, ren let out screams of enjoyment but was soon muffled by doc's hand over his head to keep him silent. Doc finished in ren's g-spot and he was muffling like a squeaky toy close to obliteration, doc pulled out and let go on ren's arm watching cum drip out and ren's back going up and down. Doc then realized that ren had fainted and he failed to realize that this was ren's first time having sexual intercourse with someone and now doc was panicking. Ren woke up in a soft bed a fur and pillows all around him,he saw doc pacing around the room biting his nails "doc?" Ren said startling the goat "Ren! You're awake!" Doc said rushing over to ren and giving him a bear hug squeezing the last remaining life out of him " hey ren" doc asked "yeah man?" Ren replied "I didn't know you were still a virgin! You could've told me earlier and I wouldn't have went that hard on you!" Doc said in response " next time for when you get better I'll let you do anything to my body" doc firmly said to ren without hesitation making him a bit confused and ended up accepting doc's crazy offer for next time he gets better and has the chance to meet up with him

Thanks for reading bye bye!

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