Rendog x docm77 (fluff)

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Hi! Hello it's been a while since I've updated but I think you guys know what writer's block is by now,I basically didn't have the opportunity or energy to update so this is a very quick response to that and I'm sorry for putting you guys on hold but I'm back and schools about ready to be done so I'll probably have a lot of opportunities to update. But enough of talking time to go into the description of the story!
Ren is a giant beast dog/human hybrid so basically he's half human up top and half beast men on the bottom, height being around 7 feet but this is fictional so his height is exceptional. Doc is a much smaller hybrid still being part creeper and part goat just 6'7 and very slim,it's cold in the dead of winter and ren's puppy instincts are very uncontrollable so doc tries multiple solutions to calm him down but it ends up with him cuddling him,now STORY TIME!!!

'It's cold...' I faintly whisper while shivering in my lab,the kingdom ren has built was big but didn't have the proper heating equipment yet, the only reason I know this is because it live under the kingdom and I'm also the developer for his heating system. I'm getting a headache now and really want some coffee it's been a while since I last slept so I'll go get some- "DOC PLAY WITH ME!" Ren said throwing around some of his toys for entertainment,I sigh and start to get up to scold him but a chill went down my spine which made me misplaced my footing and slip a little but I caught myself on my desk,"not now ren! I'm still trying to- woAUH!" I was swept off my feet by ren playfully biting my shoulder,I didn't want to hit him but it was the only way for him to put me down. *DOINK* *plop* (hm yes sound effects)  ren shuddered back winching at the pain of me hitting him "owwe doc,subjects aren't supposed to hit the king" Ren tried to talk but I snapped back "I'm not a subject I'm just a developer for YOUR kingdom ren." I said in a very serious tone.

"•^•"  his face was adorable but! I couldn't let my enemy know my weakness...hmm...hmmm....HMMMMMMMMMMM. UGH! WHATEVER EVERYTHING I WILL AND TRY TO DO WON'T BE FEUDAL BUT I CAN'T HELP AND BURY MY FACE INTO HIS FLUFFY FUR. I bear hugged ren a failure of a king and buried my face into his exposed chest fluff which was really warm,I stayed like this until ren flopped on the ground making my body touch his,my shivers and chills died down and I was drifting off to sleep,the last I thought of was how fluffy ren the king was.

I know it wasn't that long but still something to keep you guys going,bye bye!

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