Pt 2-Richas & Cellbit

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(be warned a good amount of angst)

"*Richarlyson was running running so far and so fast because we'll dapper was down and tio bad wasn't around to help..*"

"*Richas was almost their just another few steps before the message the message he was not hoping for the message he would never forgive himself for popped up in chat*"

'*Dapper was slain my 100110*'

"*Richarlyson stopped in his footsteps frozen in place as he looked at the chat...*"

"*Richarlyson lost one brother then a sister then another sibling but he never wanted to lose dapper, dapper was his sibling , the one he made so many memories with....the one who he first summoned with....the one who was so dang strong, but not strong enough to survive*"

"*Richarlyson fell over on his knees as tears started rolling down his cheeks as he broke down crying not able not wanting to stand up...*"

"*But someone tapped his sholder... Richas freaked out but turned around to his surprise it was cellbit his face full of empathy and sadness as he kneed down to the small dragons level and he started speaking*"

'"Filho, eu prometo a você que não foi sua culpa ... não foi sua culpa por não chegar a tempo"

['"Son, I promise you it wasn't your fault... it wasn't your fault for not being on time"]

"*He said as the son broke down crying in his father's arms... cellbit just cradling the child rubbing circles around his back as soon the child drifted off to sleep his under eyes red from crying*"

"*Cellbit sighed picking the child up and warping back to the castle putting the child to bed and going in his own soon enough falling asleep*"

'"The end"'

(Srry for it being short!)

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