Quackity & Y/N (Request)

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*It was one stormy night and big Q was just sitting in his house not wanting to even think cus he had such a bad day today*

*But he then heard a faint knocking noise coming from his front door*

*Big Q got up and walked to his door annoyed by who it was knocking even tho he had a sign on his door saying 'Do not disturb'*

*Big Q opens the door to find a maby 5'4 medium length hair standing their in the cold shivering and wet*

*He let them inside leading them to the couch as he heated up a cup of hot chocolate for the other*

*Big Q then seet the cup on the table by the new person and he started to speak*

'"Umm who are you exactly?"'

*The new person turned to him and starts taking*

'"Well my name's Y/N and I'm new here and accidentally got stuck in the pouring rain"'

*He nodded now happy to know the others name and he infact was kinda happy to have company to talk to*

*He got up and asked Y/N if they needed anything else and they said no*

*Big Q started cooking dinner Humming to himself as he does so not minding the other in the living room*

(Abt twenty minutes later)

*Big Q was finally finished with the food and brought it out to the other the plate having two tacos on it and rice aswell*

*Y/N looking at him surprised took the food and ate like theirs no tomorrow*

*He chuckled as he sat down as well eating his food and waiting for the other to be finished with theirs*

*Y/N was finally finished with their food and put their plate down wiping their face with a napkin and cleaning up grabbing big Q's plate and taking it to the kitchen and setting it in the sink*

*Big Q didn't really mind alot as he stood up and walked where Y/N was waiting for them to be done*

*Y/N was finally done when big Q started talking*

'"So it is pretty late would you like a place to sleep and rest?"'

*Big Q asked not minding if the other stayed the night*

*Y/N looked at him and smiled*

'"Well if you don't mind then sure I would like a place to sleep"'

*Big Q smiled and took the others hand leading them to his guest bedroom I'm that room was a pare of PJs and a toothbrush and toothpaste*

*Y/N hugged big Q and walked into the guest room smiling at him as they spoke*

'"Holy shit you didn't have to do this man like I barely know you"'

*They sayed happy, big Q laughed as he opened his mouth*

'"Hey it's not a problem like I love being nice to everyone once In a while so you get some rest and we'll talk tomorrow ok?"'

*Y/N smiled and nodded as they began to talk*

'"Well thank you alot and goodnight sir"'

*Y/N says as they shut the door and getting ready for bed falling asleep in the comfortable bed and big Q doing the same , as he brushes his teeth and washes his face and puts his PJs on and falls asleep the crickets in the background and the noises of the cars as well*

(I hope y'all liked it idk if it's the end or not but yeah!!^^ )
(And ty to @theyluvv_zoey)

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