Pt 10-Dapper & Elquackity

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> '*Dapper was just having a normal day with his dad until Elquackity kidnapped him...he didn't even realize it until it was to late, he woke up in a cave in the middle of the desert scared but not alone he had the Spanish duck with him that chayanne Doesn't really like...Dapper was confused, scared, and still tired by the time Elquackity came up to the cage and hit it with his sword waking the small dragon up fully...*'

> (Q)-"*Dapper buddy I'm so glad ur awake*"

> '*He says in a totally not sinister tone which makes dapper role his eyes and put a sign down Dapper writing on it "*Elquackity where am I?! Why did you even take me in the first place*" dapper wrote still confused..*'

> '*It was Abt maby an hour later and Elquackity came back with an evil smirk on his face and I'm his right hand a ax with the engagement saying "*Se acerca el invierno rojo*" it says as dapper quickly holds his arm realizing the man just threw the ax in his arm... Dapper screamed in pain as the blood flowed down his arm onto the hard floor dapper falling aswell...the duck not stopping hitting the dragon over and over him having a manic look on his face and the dragon nearly dead the man stopped and smiled before saying this..*'

> (Q)-"*Tell your dad not to fuck with me again!*"

> '*He says before running off leaving the small child alone and scared, nearly dead and the dragons eyes now fully closed blood all over the floor practically staining it as a message popped in chat*'

> "*Elquackity(-)*"

> '*Before the dragon passed out from exhaustion..*'

> "*The End*"

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