Pt 13- Richarlyson

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> *Richarlyson has been alone for who knows how long since cellbit hasn't been on in a few and neither has any of his dad's except big Q and Roier and they barley talk to him...*

> *Richarlyson has tried and stayed happy for his siblings and the parents he had left but he just couldn't..*

> *Like every night he couldn't sleep, he hasn't been able to eat cus he would just puke it all back up, and he was always in pain, he doesn't know how but he was...*

> *One day richarlyson saw bobby and Roier having fun and just walked inside not wanting to interrupt anything cus now he was one of the abandoned eggs like Tallulah, and he knows cellbit or any other father he has, has now forgotten him and he knew it would come but not this early...*

> *Richarlyson one late late night started to write cards and alot of them some bad and some good...*

> *The last few he wrote good and bad and they were towards his father's, how they left him but how they were nice to him, how they forgot him but how they loved him, he started crying but neatly put the cards on his dresser and stood up taking his armor off and going on the top of his castle as he stood on the edge of it and smiled before yelling '"EU ODEIO TODOS"' before jumping off and hitting the ground a name popping up in chat...*

'"Richarlyson fell from a high place"'

> *Everyone was freaking out typing like what? In chat and everything but bobby was the closest to the castle and heard him, bobby was crying and running up to his little brother as he held him in his arms as he just sobbed for the whole server to hear...*

> *And richarlyson wanted the parents to know a lesson, don't abandon ur child ever...*

'"The End"'

(Sorry I haven't been posting alot it's bc school has started and cus my mental health is kinda shit rn and just my irl life but I'll try my best to post),

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