Pt 12-Pac & Mike

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"*Pac and Mike were just having a normal day*"

"*But then the code appears and they follow it leading them into a nother part of the island*"

"*Pac suddenly disappeared infrount of Mike...Mike didn't know what to do but he was freaking out he never liked being alone and definitely not without pac..pac was his other half his trazer to his craft and now that peace was gone and Mike didn't know what to do*"

"*So Mike sat by a tree btw the cod was far gone now and Mike just put his head on his knees closing his eyes not wanting to be think, hear or anything he just wanted his trazer back and now he can't since he had no idea where he was..*"

"*Mike just sat their wich felt like hours not wanting to move or eat or even drink he just sat their his wight coat stained with tears his own tears from crying*"

"*Mike then realized if felt like he was in prison again it felt like a living hell but this time cellbit wasn't a cannibal or a murder but cellbit was just cellbit*"

"*After a bit of just crying, and thinking it eventually made max light headed and he passed out in the middle of knowhere he was passed out by a tree cold and alone*"

"*A peice missing from him to be full again a person missing from him his trazer missing from him*"

'"*Trazer was offline*"'

'"*Craft was alone*"'

'"*The End*"'

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