Badboy x Forever

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> *Bad was walking around the qsmp sad and miserable cus of everything has that been happening to him , his family , his friends.... just everything. He hates his cus he doesn't have his son or daughter to calm him down or help with with anything anymore cus their gone....alone....away from him, away from their father...*

> *Bad has always had a hard time sleeping but tonight was much much worse he thought he saw his children... oh how much he was missing pomme, dapper, Richas... just all the kids, he was missing them so damn much it hurt him... his sunshine was turning gray and he didn't know what to do, he knew he couldn't tell anyone or he could he just didn't want to risk his family getting hurt or his friends...*

> *When he was walking to get water he saw a top hat from the corner of his eyes and it disappeared...he freaked out running towards the hat, running so fast because he thought it was dapper....he thought it was his egg, his son, the one who was with him for everything and was with him in his worse hours....but when he got to a dead end he turned around to see the one person he didn't want to see the one with a big Bright smile and gorgeous long blonde hair....forever or mr president as most people call him....*

> *Forever had his usual smile on as he walked towards bad , forever put his hand under Bad's chin carefully making bad look at him in the face as forever started to talk...*

> {F}'"Awww well hello Badboy u seem gland today"'

> *He says in a really happy tune of voice wich made bad even more upset to see his president the one who helped him with everything drugged and ignoring all the problems, he wasn't even helping find the eggs, was was thinking and he started hiccuping laying his forehead on forevers shoulder and crying, bad hugging forever as forever let him the president hugging the other back and rubbing circles around Bad's back humming a bit in a happy tone as bad started to feel sleepy and finally noticing what forever did...

> *Forever stuck a needle in Bad's side and as bad looked up at forever and asked him something*

> {B}'"Why forever?"'

> *He said sleepily as forever smiles and he went to Bad's ear right before bad passed out and said*

> {F}'"I'm afraid that's classified information"'

> *He said as bad passed out in his arms, forever carrying bad somewhere.....*

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