if bad won purgatory2? (Pov)

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Bad sat there as his team celebrated winning the hell game called purgatory..  but bad wasn't happy cus he wanted two things back and he was gonna make sure he got them..

Bad and his teammates were moved to different locations as he stood in front of the person.. well not a person, creature..  and the creature looking at him smiled like it knew exactly what he wanted…. Bad looked at it with a smile as it began talking.

“What would you like for ur reward? Since ur teammates are getting theirs I guess you can have urs!!”

It says to bad with a half ass enthusiasm it shows others it talked to..  bad took a deep breath before looking back up at it with a grimace expression on his face..

“Can I have cellbit and Baghera back?”

He asks as the thing smiled wickedly at him but as it turned away from a second blinking it's one eyes and looking back at the demon

“Yes but we have to take something of equal value”

It says making bad slightly confused but nodded wanting the thing to go on

“We would have to take ur egg if you want the two players”

Bad stopped and looked up at the other with a breath in and out he began to speak knowing the two probably didn't even want to leave but bad needed them to go back to the others

“Can I talk to them for maby ten minutes and then give u my proposal?”

The thing nodded before disappearing and I'm it's place two players bad knew all to well..  cellbit and Baghera.

The two looked around still bloody and covered in guts as they had their eyes on bad…. They had a confused look on their face as bad had a smile on his before speaking

“Well I kinda am making a deal with the other to let you two go…. But I wanted your opinions on it first”

Baghera was the first to speak up in a high and angry expression on her face

“Bad!? Theirs nothing for us to even go back to and we all know it's probably gonna want an egg but their gone!!”

Baghera says as she stepped back and let cellbit take the floor but bad was just standing their smiling

“Yeah and Roier doesn't need me and richarlyson is dead bad! I have nothing to go back to”

Bad let out a sigh making his tail slap the ground and taking his cloak off to reveal more corruption on his body and he was now bleeding blue..  as those to saw that they winced wanting to say something but was cut off by bad

“Baghera you have all the French and I know Roier needs you cellbit..  he's been going through it badly and I think he might even be kidnapped since I haven't seen him around and Baghera I have what I'll give them figured out”

Bad says in a harsh tone as he wanted to get it through their heads..  bad looked at the two and they were slightly I'm shock, well mostly cellbit but Baghera stood their silent as Cellbit spoke

“N-no Roiers fine and bad don't be stupid!”

Bad sighed as he gave a smile to the two before telling them his plan

“Cellbit I've known you for so long and Baghera your one of my closest friends..  but you two are going back and won't see me their so I have to ask will you take care of dapper for me?”

Bad put it out their and hard making cellbit clench his fist in his pant leg and making Baghera shake her head no so quick

“No Badboy you can't!”

Baghera says but bad just laughed before talking one last time as he knew in a few minutes the time was up

“Baghera I can and I will I'm one soul out of the two I can save but please take care of him and see ur kids again they miss you”

Bad says but before cellbit or Baghera can speak they were cut off by the creature popping up behind bad..  bad turned around smiling as Cellbit and Baghera were now behind bad..

Bad started speaking as his tail was slashing on the ground

“I'll put myself down for letting cellbit and Baghera go since I'm much more valuable to your game then a child and you can torture me all you want..”

Bad says as Cellbit held Baghera back not letting her go and get bad who was painfully close but fare away from the two..  the creature nodded before making bad turn around as bad had a slight smile plastered on his face

“I hope you enjoy the island.. tell them I love them all and I love you guys”

Bad says before he and the creature disappeared making cellbit clench his jaw as he wanted to scream Bad's name but him and Baghera was now teleported back to the island…

Baghera was crying in cellbits arms as he sat down letting her sob..  cellbit clenched his fist into the grass as he spoke

“Bad your a fucking idiot”

He says as he just let Baghera lay their cry and mourn the loss of a friend..

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