Pt 15- Phil & Missa(request)

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*Phil was just having his normal day hanging out with his friends, his kids, like just everybody on the island when suddenly someone jumps on his back and yells...*


*Phil was shocked but smiled so damn big turning to his back he was ment with a skeleton man or mostly known as his husband..*

*While missa was still hugging him not letting the other go as missa was smiling and crying a bit as he did miss his husband alot..*


*He says kissing the others fourhead as a small tear ran down Phil's face but he didn't care, a few seconds later the other man pulled Phil down and gave him a kiss smiling really really big now...*

"(M)Philllzaaa I'm sorryyyyyy I had to go on a trip I'm sorry"

*He says still both blushing a now big red tint on their faces but they didn't care Abt that they did tho forget something...*

"(?)Ummm hey Phill is this ur husband?"

"A voice asked confused but Phil turned around to see cellbit standing their laughing a bit as he saw Phil's face cell never seeing Phill blushing before saw it as a new sight...*

"(P)Oh yes cellbit this is my amazing husband missa!!"

*He says Chuckling as he started to get up carrying the other in his arms as he waved bye to the others and warped away the other still in his arms...*

*Phil warps to their house as two small kids jumped on them one being Tallulah the newly adopted daughter and the other being their son chayanne the older protective brother...*

*They all chuckled as missa jumped out of Phil's arms and hugged chayanne as like their was no tomorrow, chayanne hugged him back as they both kinda started crying a bit but happy tears as Tallulah and Phil walked over and hugged them the happy family now reunited once again maby due to God or death no one knows maby Phil does but just one more secret to keep..*

(Time skippp)

*It was maby 12-1 am and everyone was asleep in their bed cough cough or others beds while Phil and missa were in their bed talking and smiling as missa took his mask off and setting it to the side showing his beautiful face it did have a good sized scar a crossed it but Phil didn't mind he actually kinda liked the scar...*

*Phil gave missa a kiss and missa retuned the kiss them having it for maby ten seconds before they both pulled away laughing a bit as they layed down facing one another and saying...*

"(P) Goodnight missa I'll see you tomorrow"

"(M) Goodnight philza"

*They both then go to sleep reunited with one another side by side a big happy family many not for long no one knows...*

*The End*

(This was a request from @Lubiemaslo_lol so ty to them!!! Btw sorry it took a bit I had irl stuff lol)

(And srry if this wasn't the thing you were going for)

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