PT 25 Baghera Jones

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> **Baghera ran home her breath coming heavily every time she breathes...  She accidentally fell into things as she ran to her room grabbing something on the way up...  She slammed her door open not even shutting it as she looked at herself im the mirror her scared...  Her disgrace of a person...  She always hated thinking about herself like that but now she relised it was true everything her dad said is true...  She spreaded her wings out as far as they could and she ran her hands over them, bit my bit some feathers fell of leaving blood to dribble down her wings onto her hard floor...  You could hear the drop as it hit , it sounding like water hitting the pavement on a rainy day...  He laughed putting her hair up out of her eyes...  She always hated her eyes for their colors for their everything she really did just hate herself as much as cucurucho hated her as a child...  She never met to hurt Jaiden she just hated how much attention she got...  As she thought of that tears started to roll as she looked up at the mirror...  She always wanted to look human but she never really felt like it.... **

Tw blood gore!!!

> ||**She picked up the knife she grabbed from her kitchen as she ran her finger over the sharp part, doing that making her bleed...  She never really hated blood as much as her brother but she smiles as she started to give herself small cuts on her fingers, and watching the blood spill like it was a water fountain or a rainy day...  She always wanted to make the sky for her daughter she knew pomme deserved every wonderful thing given to her or the people around her but Baghera knew pomme probably won't mind if she was gone...  So Baghera letting go of the knife and setting it down she walked over and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen...  She started writing, some of her blood dripping of her hand into the paper but she didn't care...  After 20-25 minutes she was done, she set it on her bed and grabbed the knife again... She looked up at herself holding the knife to her stomach as she smiled stabbing it into herself and twisting it over and over until her stand was covered in her blood and her limp body falling over...  She had a soft smile on her face as she while diying was thinking about what she wrote over and over....  A few seconds later the text popped up in chat...**||

'"[Baghera Jones was slain my herself]
Life's remaining 1 [-1]"'

What Baghera wrote to Pomme

### **Dear pomme…**

**If I may not be here today I do just want you to know it was never ur fault it was never ur choice to even be here…**
**You were my best and only child and I would never change that for the world, you gave me the strength and courage to fight on to protect you and all the wonderful memories we had and made like the dungeons or the cooking like we made so many happy memories together but do tell the rest I may not or never be their but I will beat them up if they hurt you…**
**You being the best egg in my heart and the one that made me stay for this long in this god for saken place…**
**And with all ur siblings you will never be alone for long periods of time since everyone loves you so much and cares do deeply about you…**
**Bad will be taking care of you from time to time since he is one of your parents…
I'm internally greatfull to all the wonderful people who love and care for you if I'm gone but never be sad if im gone because i will paint the sky a beautiful shades of yellow for you to enjoy…**
**I love you my little girl and never let anyone destroy you in battle or in health….**
**Punch Etoiles for me your mama**
     ** Baghera Jones….**

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