Pt 5-Roier, Richas & Cellbit

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"*Roier was waking up from a long nap he had and realized someone was by him, he then looked back and saw his husband he smiled and ruffed the others hair a bit before quickly getting up and going downstairs*"

"*He got downstairs and walked to the kitchen putting his apron on and he started cooking breakfast or since it was like 3 pm then brunch*"

"*He put some music on and started cooking breakfast, he cooked eggs, Bacon and potatoes*"

"*He got done and set the table up putting the breakfast out and cleaned himself off*"

"*He got cleaned up and walked upstairs getting Richas up and telling him to go downstairs but wait before getting breakfast, Richas nodded and went downstairs...Roier then walked to his and his husband's bedroom and softly woke the other up from their nap*"

'"*amor it's time for breakfast*"'

"*He says smiling at the other*"

"*Cellbit got up still sleepy but walked downstairs with Roier and sat down as Roier served the two breakfast and giving cellbit not coffee but orange juice, the other smiled at his husband and gave him a kiss before sitting down and eating his breakfast*"

"*After a bit everyone was done eating and they went on doing whatever they had planned such as Roier and cellbit had a date, and Richas had a playdate with pomme and dapper*"

'"*The End*"'

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