Pt 9-Tallulah, Chayanne & phil

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> '"Tallulah was one of the eggs that had no parent or no one to take care of them..but tallulah had chayanne and phil and she loved that but one day everything changed..."'    

> '"It was one stormy night and every parent was trying to get their kids inside because the code was out but no one was calling for Tallulah but she didn't mind, she wasn't really afraid of death cus who might walk her up the ally on her wedding day?... Not her dad cus he's probably dead by now.."'

> '"The code was right behind Tallulah and stabbed her in the back knocking her over and her rolling up in pain as the two people she never wanted them to see her die was their philza and chayanne...her father and big brother.."'

> '"She gave them one last smile before her wings got ripped out of her back and she coughed up alot of blood now chayanne holding her almost lifeless body in his hands as Tallulah grabs the others hands and smiled looking at him"'

> (T)- "*I'll tell all of our siblings of how brave you were chayanne I'll tell them about techno and how he's was a legend, I love you big brother/p*"

> '"She says before going limp I'm his arms a smile on her face before the message popped in chat.."'

> "*Tallulah was killed by 1010010*"

> '"Phil was devastated and so was chayanne but Tallulah did as she promised and told bobby, trump, flippa, and tillin about everything that has happened and about techno and everyone"'

> '"Some people think that was a bad ending to the story but Tallulah thinks it's was just right, even tho it was maby sad but Tallulah loved the life she lived and now she can tell it to her siblings that weren't their for it"'

> "*The End*"

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