Pt 4-Chayanne & Tallulah

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"*Chayanne was walking towards the forest it being midnight so no one was on with him*"

"*Chayanne got into the forest and started walking deeper and deeper loving but hating the silence it brought upon him*"

"*He finally got to his and Tallulahs special spot and sat down sighing in relief and setting his items down with himself*"

"*He looked around noticing no mobs were around and calmed down ever more*"

"*He walked over to the small pond by him and noticed something....a flower crown was their and it had his colors(Tallulah makes flower crown for each person with their colors)*"

"*He got confused and stepping closer relised a hand was attached to the crown and then a body.....Tallulahs body*"

"*He freaked out and jumped back tears instantly started rolling down his face as he broke down crying not knowing why his little sister is lying lifeless on the ground*"

"*He grabbed the flower crown and wore it tears still rolling down his red face as he walks over to his stuff grabbing an item*"

"*The item was a potion a potion dapper gave him*"

"*He sighed and sat down chugging the potion and particles coming off his body as he does then hits him like a sword in his back...his heart's went down as he started coughing up blood and curling up into a ball as the potion took its effects and started working*"

"*it pasted 1 minute....2 minutes....3 minutes....and by minute 4 chayanne was laying life less on the ground laying by Tallulah the flower crown on his head as the two lifeless siblings were with each other once again and chayanne didn't regret a single thing*"

"*The end*"

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