PT 18-Bad & Dapper

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<~^•Why is he scared of me?•^~>

Bad and the others just got the eggs back and everyone was ecstatic to have their children back and be able to just hug them, the parents were missing their kids the most but bad on the other hand was taking it a bit differently then the others...

Bad had a little project he was doing on his free time and not a lot of people actually knew about it except foolish and Baghera and even they barely went their anymore since the eggs disappeared but now that the eggs are back they started coming back more now...

Bad was starting to not be able to see color and forever said he's starting to turn blue... and bad was really confusing but bad said '"oh forever I promise you im fine!!"' he says lying out of his teeth to forever the newly picked president...

When the eggs left bad had a hard time seeing color but now that their back he realized it has become even worse and he misses seeing forever's blonde hair and seeing the blue sky but he just dealt with it now since he didn't want to worry his son and daughter...

But one day when bad was talking to Fred (I think that's his name) bad suddenly heard a noise from behind him and turned around to see....His son d-dapper...

(B)'"W-Wait dapper it's not what it looks like!"'

Bad says pleading with his son, but dapper is a smart kid and bad knew that since dapper was his own..


Dapper says backing up slowly away from his own father...

(B)'"Dapper wait please don't leave please.."'

Bad says falling on his knees in front of his son who was now near the door to their living room..

(D)'"D-Dad I'm staying with forever don't come looking..."'

Dapper says quickly running to the warp and warping away leaving bad alone, bad now standing wiping his eyes as he turns around to look at Fred..

(B)'"Oh I'm sorry for the inconvenience ^^ but where were we!"'

Bad says leaning over the bars in Freds sell totally not giving Fred a sinister smile

(Probably not the end!!)

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