Pt 3-Cellbit & Roier

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"*Roier was just walking to the castle to meet up with his husband*"

"*He got their and it was he went all around the castle intell he found a noise? was yelling, and screaming so roier ran to it and saw the sight he never thought he would see... cellbit had a sword up to his father's neck*"

"*Roier ran up to cellbit and grabbed the sword out of his husband's hands*"


"*He yelled pissed off and confused at the same time*"

"*Cellbit stood their quiet not even a peep was said from the cats mouth, and that made Roier even more pissed*"

''*(R)Are u going to say anything or just sit their?!*"'

"*Cellbit sat their trying to form words but couldn't as tears started to form in his eyes*"

'"*(C) Guapito i-i I'm sorry*"'

"*He manages to say passed the tears streaming down his face at that point Roier felt really bad for yelling even tho his husband tried to kill his dad*"

"*Roier sighed and hugged cellbit leaving the tall cat confused and at that point the father had died from blood loss but Roier didn't pay attention as all of his attention was focused on his husband*"

"*Roier wiped the tears away and scratches the right spot on his husbands ears to make him purr and that made Roier very happy as he brought his husband up stairs and to bed*"

"*They both laid down Roier cuddling up to cellbit as Cellbit did the same to Roier them both falling asleep cuddling up to each other*"

"*As Richas walked past and saw taking a picture of the newly weds and running away as everyone in the castle fell asleep*"

'*"The End"*'

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