Pt 17- Cellbit & Roier

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(Writer)-(Btw this is my first smutt thing so sorry if it's bad and I was bored so yeah!!)

________________(Cellbits pov) _____________

*Cellbit was working hard in his office, his coffee cup next to him and papers to..*

*He was trying to solve an anigma (srry if I didn't spell that right!) And he just couldn't get it, it was making him frustrated and annoyed at himself..*

*It was been maby five, six hours he hasn't kept track of the time...*

(Time skip three hours later)
_________________(No ones pov) ___________

*Cellbit didn't hear the noise as someone walked into the room quietly walking up to cellbit and putting their hands on his shoulder making cellbit flinch as he relises it was Roier his husband...*

"(C) Ola guapito!!"

*He says smiling a bit dark eye bags under his eyes as the other smiled back resting his head on cellbits shoulder his face facing towards cellbits neck..*

"(R) Hola Gatinho.."

*He says in a calming but tired voice as Roier suddenly started nibbling on cellbits neck, cellbit in return grunting a bit..*

"(C) what brings you down here amor?"

"(R) Gatinho it's really late and I wanted to sleep by you tonight.."

*He says still nibbling on cellbits neck his mouth now making a decent sized hickey..*

"(C) Oh no I'm sorry love I've just been really busy with investigating and stuff..."

*After cellbit finished talking Roier sat up a idea came to his head as a kinda evil smirk came on his face as he leaned down his mouth next to cellbits ear as he spoke..*

"(R) Amor I have a offer for you, if I can make you moan you have to come to bed but if I don't you can stay down here doing whatever your doing.."

*Cellbit laughs a bit as he nods now quickly getting turned around in his chair, him now facing Roier as the man stepped closer and got on his knees looking up and the other smiling very innocently..*

(Writer)-(Warning smutt ahead btw so it's ur not comfortable with smutt please skip and srry if it's not that good its my first time writing smutt so yeah back to the story hope y'all like it!!)

"(C) You know I love challenges mi amor.."

*Roier laughs as he rests his hands on cellbits thighs kinda rubbing them as he could see cellbits hard member he gigles as he sits up and quickly unzips cellbits pants and Roier taking his own off aswell...*

*Roier them sat on cellbits lap making cellbit bit his lower lip, Roier then started playing with his nipples licking them and sometimes moving around just so that Roiers knee is now rubbing against cellbits cock...*

*Cellbit now desperate shuts his eyes and covers his mouth this action making Roier smile as Roier slid cellbits pants down cellbits cock now out and Roier pulling his own boxers off quickly pushing cellbits cock inside him making Roier moan loud and wimper...*

*Cellbit now gave up as a loud moan came from his mouth in return now cellbit pushing Roier on all fours as Cellbit got faster and faster now finding Roiers sweet spot and hitting that alot now Roier a winpering moaning mess and so was cellbit...*

*Cellbit finally grabbed onto Roiers waist slamming his cock deep inside Roier and grunting as Roier moans aswell feeling the other hot cum inside of him...*

*Cellbit then pulled out and Roier turned around cellbits cock now close to his face as Roier licked the rest of the cum off of it Roier smiling as Cellbit helps Roier stand now relising he probably went to hard...*

*Cellbit chuckled as he knew he had to go to sleep he helps Roier to the shower and showered himself as well, now both in bed and snuggling together cellbit purring as Roier had his four arms wrapped around him...*

*The End*

(Writer)-(I'm sorry if that was bad and yeah if y'all want me to take this down or if y'all want more smutt just ask like idk and srry it's short it's 1:55 am for me and yeah so hope y'all liked it or something..)

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