Pt 7-Smile,Flippa&Marianna

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"*Slime was walking back to his house one day when he heard screaming coming from his homes direction..*"

"*He sprinted their worried for his wife and his daughter*"

"*He slams open the door to see his daughter flippa laying on the floor covered in blood as his wife was standing their blood on him..*"

"*Smile ran to his daughter pushing past the other as he fell on the floor tears starting to poor from his eyes as he picks his daughter up in his lap and flippa speaks*"

'"*Tell everyone I say I love them and that I'm sorry*"'

"*She says before she goes limp into slimes arms slime now covered in his daughters blood and him bawling down as he rested flippas limps cold body on her bed and he ran out the door as the wife elmarianna just stands their frozen not knowing what do to as the thing popped up in chat..*"

'"*Juanaflippa was slain my Elmarianna..*"'

"*And now they both have to live with the pain of having no more egg, no more more flippa*"

'"*The End*"'

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