Pt 16- Bad & Forever(request)

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  (Writer)-(I might start to add pictures to the stories I like the most btw so don't really expect pictures for all the stories!! I hope you like this request!)

  \Forevers pov/

*Forever was having a somewhat stressful day because he did just become president, and his friendships have been kinda getting worse cus he hasn't hung out with Badboy or Baghera and the two of them have became distant from him because he still sees bad and Baghera hanging out with each other without him...*

*But this day forever was in a bad mood because richarlyson his son wasn't being cooperative and just being a menace and disrespectful but forever just sent him off the his other dad (cellbits house) and richas didn't mind it one bit....*

*Forever was working in his office for maby three or four hours, he lost count but a while later he heard a familiar voice and a second later a kind demon walking into his office a half smile on the others face as because forever knew the demon or commonly known for as bad was gonna bother him or something and forever wasn't up for that today...*

"(F) What do you want Badboy?.."

  \Badboy's pov/

*When bad walked into Mr.Presidents office or forevers office he was ment with a rude tone of voice coming from the other as a response the demon sat down across from the other and had a half ass smile on...*

"(B) Why can't I just say hello to the president?.."

"(F) You know ur only here to make my day worse and yours better!.."

*Bad sighed but ignoring the thing the other said he pulled out a piece of paper and a box..the box looking like a child decorated it but bad stood up and set the two things in front of forever, forever confused looked at the demon...*

"(F) Umm what are these things you handed to me badboy?.."

"(B) Ughhh Dapper wanted to give you a gift for becoming president and wanted to give it to you today but he didn't wake up and wanted me to, and the other thing is from me.."

*Bad said a bit embarrassed but stepped back a bit letting the other look at the things a smile going on the others face and bad noticing and a smile showing it was onto the demons face aswell*

  \No ones pov/

*Forever smiles and reads the card a bit of blush coming on his face but he chuckled and looks at the other..*

"(F) Badboy you to nice, and the cookies dapper made are really good!!"

*Bad chuckles and pulls his hood down his blonde hair showing up and going down his back forever blushing a bit and turning around the demon not really noticing and ties his blonde hair up in a ponytail looking back at the other..*

"(B) Heh forever I'm happy you like the gifts but I kinda Wana ask you something else if you ok with that?"

*Forever nodded pointing his attention to the other and listening..*

"(B) Well I've kinda missed just us to hanging out so if ur free could we maybe hangout and watch a movie at my place or urs I don't mind at all!!.."

*Forever laughs and stands up his hair messy but he doesn't mind it he then goes over to the other and grabs his hand running out of the office and hanging out with each other, time going by really slow but they were happy a feeling coming in forevers tummy but he just ignored it not caring for the feeling and just hung out with his best friend badboyhalo...*

(Timeee skippp)

*It was maby three four five hours later they didn't realize the time flew by like that but forever took bad home and bad offers to let forever stay the night and he agrees..*

*Forever and bad are hanging out on the couch watching TV as forever yawns and doesn't realize it his head is on Bad's shoulder, bad laughs but softly lays forever down since btw it was like 1:38 in the morning but bad heard small groans (not sexual groans!!!) Bad turns around to see forever stretching his arm out to him signaling him to lay down with him...*

*Bad walked over and layed down with him bad now blushing alot and forever not relising what he actually did since he was really tired...*

*Bad was now behind forever on the couch his arms kinda wrapped around the other and forever was in the front curled up and sleeping...*

*Bad laughs a bit as he snuggles up to the other and yawns aswell taking his hood off and falling asleep..*

*The two once separate now reunited once again maby for long or not you'll never know...*

*Dapper and richarlyson ran into the room silently and took pictures them both smiling as they ran off..*

*The End*

(Omgg tyyy alot to @blondozilda for the request ^^ tyyyy oh and hope you like it!!)

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